We have offered our Youth Media Protection Expert Lunch since 2016 exclusively for association members active in the area of youth protection, with the aims of enhancing the exchange of ideas and experiences, gathering information, and allowing dialogue to be initiated with us and amongst members. The meetings take place two to three times a year, with additional relevant parties and external experts sometimes also invited to contribute. The focus is on the following topics:
- The application of the German Interstate Treaty on the Protection of Minors in the Media (JMStV) and the corresponding regulations in the German Criminal Code (StGB)
- Legal developments for youth media protection in its broadest sense
- “Digital trends”
- The activities of the eco Complaints Office
Kira Peek and Alexandra Koch-Skiba are happy to answer any questions about the Expert Lunch forum.
Past events “Youth Media Protection Expert Lunch”
- 26.06.2017: Idea, background and objective of the format, the work of the eco Complaints Office
- 16.11.2017: German Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG), further developing youth protection, Notice and Action
- 05.03.2018: Work of the eco Complaints Office, Notice and Action, follow-up on the German Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG) and the further development of youth media protection
- 25.06.2018: Further development of youth media protection: Exchange with the German Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Minors (BPjM) and the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth (BMFSFJ)
- 12.11.2018: Further development of youth media protection, presentations from participants on legal issues
- 11.03.2019: Review & outlook of the eco Complaints Office, awareness raising, legal knowledge transfer, political activities, network: care and development