Cloud Computing

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The Cloud – Motor of Digitalisation

EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e. V. is the association of the German cloud computing industry. It promotes acceptance and meets the demands for cloud services on the German market. EuroCloud Deutschland_eco is part of the European network and is in a permanent dialogue with the partners from EuroCloud Europe.

EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e. V. was founded in December 2009 and is affiliated to eco – Verband der Internetwirtschaft e. V.. Together, both associations enable as many synergies as possible for relevant topics.

Contact us!

RĂĽckblick und Ausblick auf den Cloud-Markt 4
Cloud Computing 1
Christine Neubauer
Peter Joniec

Andreas Weiss
Director EuroCloud
+49 (221) 7000 48 - 0

Michael Hase
EuroCloud Contact Person
+49 (221) 7000 48 - 121

Christine Neubauer
EuroCloud Contact Person
+49 (221) 7000 48 - 0

Peter Joniec
Member Recruiting Manager
+49 (221) 7000 48 - 145