In the press center you will find current press releases, information and positions on the Internet Industry and digitalisation in Germany and beyond.

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Contact us!

Planning to contribute to a topic in the Internet industry? Looking for someone to interview, or need an expert statement?


Give us a call or send us an email, we'll gladly support you.

Sidonie Krug

Sidonie Krug
Head of Communications
Spokesperson Political Communication

+49 (30) 20 21 567 - 19

Christin Patricia Wagner

Christin Patricia Müller
Senior PR Consultant Deputy Spokesperson Political Communication
+49 (30) 20 21 567 - 12

Laura Treskatis

Laura Rodenbeck
Political Communication Consultant
+49 (30) 20 21 567 - 23

Press Centre 1

Anja Wittenburg
Association Communication Trainee
+49 (221) 7000 48 - 301