Short Version
With approximately 1,000 member companies, eco ( is the leading Association of the Internet Industry in Europe. Since 1995, eco has been highly instrumental in shaping the Internet, fostering new technologies, forming framework conditions, and representing the interests of its members in politics and international forums. eco has offices based in Cologne, Berlin and Brussels. In its work, eco primarily advocates for a high-performance, reliable and trustworthy ecosystem of digital infrastructures and services.
Long Version
With approximately 1,000 member companies, eco is the leading Association of the Internet Industry in Europe. Since 1995, eco has been highly instrumental in shaping the Internet, fostering new technologies, forming framework conditions, and representing the interests of its members in politics and international forums. eco has offices based in Cologne, Berlin and Brussels. In its work, eco primarily advocates for a high-performance, reliable and trustworthy ecosystem of digital infrastructures and services.
Numerous eco services help to make the market more transparent for providers and users. We support members with legal consultations, in particular regarding data protection. For all users, we work to increase security and improve youth protection.
As an association, one of our most important tasks is to represent the interests of our members in politics, and in national and international committees. In addition to our head office in Cologne, we have our own capital city office in Berlin and are present at all relevant political decision-making processes in Brussels.
eco is a founding member of EuroISPA EuroISPA, the umbrella organization for European Internet associations. eco also represents its members with a seat on the Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) at ICANN, and is a driving force behind the Internet Governance Forum. In short: We are shaping the Internet.