The Smart City Market in Germany 2021-2026

Connected and Autonomous Mobility

The German Smart City Market 2017-2022

Smart-City-Studienergebnisse für eco Mitglieder und alle Interessierten

The Smart City market is booming: The study by the eco Association and the management consultancy Arthur D. Little forecasts an average annual growth in Germany of over 17 percent. This corresponds to an increase in revenues of over 46 billion Euro within five years. Market drivers, trends and challenges for a total of nine segments of the German Smart City market are described in detail.

Mobility 2030 - a look into the future: Our guide "Connected and Autonomous Mobility" shows the current status of the mobility ecosystem and outlines the necessary developments for the coming years. In doing so, the authors show how a successful mobility turnaround can look like in solidarity with a strong Internet industry as the connecting cornerstone.


The study shows how German cities are using the Internet of Things to solve the challenges of advancing urbanisation. Based on the analysis of numerous international case studies, the study has identified five critical success factors for a city to successfully develop into a Smart City and to successfully position itself as a company.


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