
In the future, mobility and how its understood in society will continue to change. Innovative business models, new concepts for intermodal mobility and new technologies are shaping the way ahead and attempting to form the ecosystem of future-oriented mobility by combining the automobile and the Internet. In the process, carmakers are increasingly becoming mobility service providers and the actual product, the vehicle, is becoming much more multi-layered.

The increasing interconnectivity of vehicles and access to traffic and customer data are also giving rise to new business approaches along the value chain.

The mobility market is developing rapidly; the linking of means of transport and the Internet is accelerating the development of more and more new mobility concepts. In this context, it is important for the industry to position itself and evaluate where business potentials or even new business models lie.

In this context, the following areas are becoming increasingly important, with these needing to be mapped from different perspectives within the mobility topic spectrum:

  • AI systems for (partially) autonomous driving (image recognition, ethics issues)
  • Smart City and mobility concepts of the future (visions and economic impact and CO2 savings potential for individual mobility and logistics)
  • Micro-mobility concepts (e-scooters, e-bikes, car sharing & Co.)
  • Digital infrastructures for connected mobility of the future (5G and edge infrastructures)
  • Gaia-X – Mobility and Data Spaces
  • Car2Car communication (standards & systems)
  • Cross-cutting challenges at all these levels: Data protection and IT security

This is why eco – Association of the Internet Industry has initiated the Mobility Competence Group (CG).

Together with our members, we will pursue these goals in the near future:

  • The Mobility CG as an exchange platform for members on mobility topics along the value chain
  • Close networking of our members
  • Positioning as a knowledge carrier in the subject area of mobility
  • Visibility of our Competence Group
  • Discussion of new business models
  • Dealing with ethical issues
  • Recommendation of guidelines
  • Addressing current issues and developments in the mobility industry

We want to achieve these goals through measures such as:

  • CG meetings
  • Business events
  • Webinars
  • Cross-competence group cooperation for topical overlaps
  • Positioning our members at partner events
  • Publication of studies, guidelines and position papers
  • Publicly effective elaboration of relevant mobility topics in various content formats
  • Press releases

Together we want to help shape the market and advance mobility issues in Germany.
Do you see this as an exciting challenge?

Is actively participating and representing your position something that's important for you?
Then you should definitely contact us. We – the Mobility Competence Group – look forward to your getting involved!