
The abbreviation "eco" stood for "electronic commerce" when the "eco - association of the internet industry e. V." was founded in the summer of 1995 in Bonn. The competence group "E-Commerce" thus represents one of the traditional thematic core areas of the association's goals, which generally deal with the commercial use of the Internet.

The meaning of the term "E-Commerce" has changed. Originally, it referred to the "electronic commerce - sale and distribution of products on the Internet" in the narrower sense of the word, but now this is to be understood as "Internet-based entrepreneurial activity". The latter therefore also includes public corporate and administrative activities and related processes.

The Competence Group represents under the term "E-Commerce" - in the sense of a definition - the "internet-based binding, private or public, business processes in commerce, services or administration - including their initiation, fulfilment and support".

The Competence Group "E-Commerce" of eco e. V. serves the professional and academic-academic exchange of experience and knowledge transfer and organizes events in the form of conferences (also with [external] specialists) and colloquia. The Competence Group "E-Commerce" takes a public stance on current technical topics - in the political and economic environment - and makes statements on the current situation as well as on future development lines that are desirable from the point of view of the members of the competence group.