Digital technologies for more resource efficiency.
The solutions are there – let’s use them. -
Digital technologies against climate change & Co.
The solutions are there – let’s use them. -
Digital Technologies for more Sustainability.
The solutions are there – let’s use them. -
A study by the eco Association in cooperation with Arthur D. Little.
#JOINTHESOLUTION We are part of the solution – the Internet industry.
Our world is facing great challenges. One thing is certain: As actors in the Internet industry, we are part of the solution. Think of the following: CO2 reduction through green IT and green coding in the fight against climate change; Smart City concepts that make our cities more habitable, resource-friendly and energy-efficient; health care technologies that detect cancer at an early stage on the strength of artificial intelligence; or digital platforms that promote social cohesion and humanitarian causes. In all such instances, digital and disruptive technologies help in tackling the pressing societal challenges in a variety of ways. In our campaign “#JOINTHESOLUTION: We are part of the solution – the Internet industry”, our goal is to present these solutions, tell their story, and shed light on the positive impact of digitalisation.
Join us – and also become part of the solution on your own behalf.
Around 5.4 million tonnes
of CO2 emissions could be reduced per year from a transport perspective, if 40 % of employees worked permanently from home two days a week.
Source:Â Study by the Berlin think tank IZTÂ on behalf of Greenpeace
1 year earlier
than when lung cancer is currently diagnosed, an AI programme can detect signs of this cancer on CT scans. Every year, around 1.8 million people die of lung cancer worldwide. It is the form of cancer with the highest mortality rate of all.
Source: Study by the National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (Inria), University of Côte d'Azur
Putting a stop to climate change? This won’t happen without digitalisation!
Smart technologies are the key to more CO2 savings and greater sustainability: the first part of our #JOINTHESOLUION report series illustrates how the data centre industry is using digitalisation and renewable energies to become climate neutral.

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Going Green - dotmagazine edition on sustainability
How does digital technology help achieve carbon neutrality and support the energy transition?
The Going Green edition of dotmagazine – the eco Association e-magazine on Internet industry topics – demonstrates how the industry is in the prime position to change energy consumption patterns through intelligently-designed software, hardware, infrastructure and services. Here you can delve into multiple articles on topics such as how data centres can meet sustainability targets, the efficiency gains of faster transmission speeds, or how the Internet can pave the way to decentralised energy generation. The edition also spells out how diversity in the tech industry plays an essential role for sustainability.
Study: Digital Transformation for More Sustainability The Positive Impact of Digital Technologies and Infrastructure on the Carbon Footprint of Industry and Society

With climate change now being omnipresent, sustainability has come to be one of the most pressing issues of our time. In order to achieve the climate goals set by the German federal government and climate neutrality in line with the Paris Agreement by 2050, the consistent use of digital technologies and the expansion of digital infrastructures are an indispensable part of the solution.
Smart technologies are the key to more CO2 savings and greater sustainability. This is exemplified in the study: “Digital Transformation for More Sustainability: The Positive Impact of Digital Technologies and Infrastructures on the Carbon Footprint of Industry and Society”, published by the eco Association in cooperation with the eco-founded Alliance for the Strengthening Digital Infrastructures in Germany and Arthur D. Little. The complete study is available for download as a PDF.
Digital technologies and services are part of the solution to pressing global challenges. The industry recognises its responsibility and is driving forward the development of energy-efficient innovative solutions. It is up to all of us to leverage this potential.
Oliver SĂĽme
Chair of the Board, eco Association -
The waste heat from German data centres could save many millions of cubic metres of gas. The right step towards more self-reliance. This is something we simply have to do.
BĂ©la Waldhauser
Spokesperson, Alliance for the Strengthening of Digital Infrastructures in Germany -
Digital infrastructures as well as digital technologies and services – consistently applied in the right domains – offer immense potential for tackling climate change and further sustainability goals.
Alexander Rabe
Managing Director, eco Association -
It is crystal clear that digitalisation and the digital industry have an important role to play in achieving the climate goals. Data centres are the backbone of the digital industry and therefore have a key role to play in sustainable digitalisation.
Sabine Schaar
Regional Vice President Sales Germany, Equinix -
Advancing digitalisation enables us to positively shape the future and seize opportunities: Manufacturing and work processes will be transformed and resources will be used smartly and sparingly. To this end, data centres and IT infrastructures are a key part of the solution.
Michél Düring
Sales Director Projects, Data Center Group -
Digitalisation can only improve the world if we have the power to shape it. For this reason, as a group of more than 300 members of Hostsharing eG, we are forging cooperative ownership of digital infrastructure. We take digitalisation into our own hands.
Michael Hierweck
Board Member of Hostsharing eG