Lucia Falkenberg, CPO and spokesperson of the New Work Competence Group in the eco Association of the Internet industry welcomes the German federal government’s plans to lower the hurdles for the immigration of skilled workers and has the following to say:
“The plans of the traffic light federal government for a reform of the Skilled Immigration Act (FEG), which were presented in the key points paper, are now overdue. The Internet industry urgently needs IT professionals of every competency level to drive Germany’s digitalisation. This can only be achieved with skilled personnel from abroad because the competition for the best brains is rampant worldwide. The shortage of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) professionals is reaching ever new highs. A record number of around 326,000 of these skilled workers were missing in Germany in October, according to the STEM Report of the German Economic Institute (IW) in Cologne. That is why we as the Internet industry are now calling for an immigration and citizenship law that enables particularly highly qualified foreign workers to take up jobs in the IT and Internet industry in Germany in a timely manner without major bureaucratic hurdles.”