Toggle navigation Mobility News Events Goals Studies Downloads Contact MobilityInterview with Dr Judith Puttkammer, Advisory Board Member Mobility Competence Group Mobility7 Reasons for Future-Proof Data Spaces in the Automotive Market eco5 Questions for Juan I. Hahn, HAHN Network Current News Mobility Interview with Juan Hahn, Leader of the eco Mobility Competence Group An interview with Juan Hahn about his personal mobility behaviour, the opportunities and challenges of mobility in the future and his goals as the new Mobility Competence Group Leader at the eco Association. 29.07.2024 Mobility Optimising Rescue Mobility With 5G: Interview with Joachim Schade, ifak The use of rescue drones, telemedicine, 5G and artificial intelligence: digital services and technology are optimising the rescue services. We spoke to Joachim Schade, ifak – Institut für Automation und Kommunikation e. V., about how rescue mobility will benefit from the use of 5G. 23.05.2024 Mobility Digitalisation, 5G and AI: How Rescue Mobility is Changing Modern technologies offer the potential to significantly enhance the efficiency of rescue operations, improve communication and ultimately save lives. There are numerous touchpoints and aspects of digitalisation in rescue services, ranging from innovative individual solutions to measures for the digitalisation of the entire rescue chain. 23.07.2024 Mobility Rescue Mobility: 3-Question Interview with Rupert Heege, COREVAS In the run-up to the event, we spoke to Rupert Heege, former Chief Fire Officer at COREVAS GmbH, about how digital emergency call technologies such as EmergencyEye are improving emergency communication. 16.04.2024 All Mobility News Upcoming Events You will soon find new dates on this topic here. If you do not want to miss any events, simply subscribe to our newsletter and stay informed. Show all events Contact us! Andreas Hinterberger Head of Mobility Competence Group Public Policy Lead DACH Uber Germany GmbH LinkedIn Juan Hahn Head of Mobility Competence CEO & Founder HAHN Network LinkedIn Peter Koller Senior Project Manager eco - Association of the Internet Industry LinkedIn