
eco Survey: 40 Years After the First Email in Germany, Electronic Mail Remains the Most Popular Means of Communication

  • Three quarters of Germans (75.8%) send emails regularly
  • 2024 marks the anniversary of email: 40 years of email and 20 years of CSA
  • 10 tips for long-term, trustworthy email communication

Even after 40 years of email in Germany, electronic mail remains the most popular means of communication. Email is by far the most frequently used means of communication, particularly in a professional context, but three quarters of the German population (75.8%) also regularly send emails in their private lives. This is shown by a recent representative survey by the eco – Association of the Internet Industry, which was conducted among around 2,500 citizens by the market and opinion research institute Civey. There is no sign of email being displaced; it will remain the most important Internet service in 2024.

2024 is email’s anniversary year

“You have new mail” – These four words appeared on a German screen for the first time on 3 August 1984, when eco Honorary President and Internet pioneer Prof. Michael Rotert logged into his computer at the Computer Center of the University of Karlsruhe in the morning. Four words that marked the beginning of a new era of communication in Germany. Prof. Michael Rotert comments: “In 1984, nobody would have thought that email would revolutionise communication to this extent. Today it is indispensable for many, especially in German offices. As a universal name tag on the Internet and for formal enquiries, it remains essential. Its future lies in technological progress and security to build trust and ensure efficiency.”

Majority of users rely on comprehensive security measures to protect their email

The eco survey also shows that Germans are aware of the threats their emails could be exposed to and are taking proactive measures to protect themselves. The majority of respondents (50.9%) use anti-virus software to protect their email from threats. Other popular security measures include using a strong password (45.7%) and using email filters (28.0%). Two-factor authentication is used by 20.8%of users, while 20.3% rely on encryption. Only 13.0% of respondents stated that they do not take any special security measures and rely exclusively on the measures taken by their email provider when it comes to security.

CSA provides 10 tips for long-term trustworthy email communication

In addition to the 40th anniversary of email, the Certified Senders Alliance initiative (CSA), which was founded under the umbrella of the eco Association, is also celebrating its 20th anniversary. The CSA aims to improve the quality of commercial emails so that newsletters, invoices and order confirmations reach email recipients while protecting them from phishing and spam.

Julia JanĂźen-Holldiek, Director of the CSA Certified Senders Alliance, explains: “At the CSA, we develop and establish quality standards for commercial emailing and thus actively contributing to the protection of users and strengthening the email communication channel. We see ourselves as a link between senders and mailbox providers, translating requirements and practical relevance for the other side.”

With these 10 tips, trustworthy communication via email will succeed:

  1. Obtain consent: gain email addresses through opt-in forms and welcome messages, not through purchased lists.
  2. Set the right expectations: Be open about who you are, how often you send emails and what content can be expected.
  3. Known sender: Use a recognisable sender name and a known sender address that can be easily associated with your brand.
  4. Set up proper email authentication: Protect your reputation and brand from abuse, avoid delivery issues.
  5. Encourage two-way communication: Never use Noreply email addresses for sending, encourage your recipients to communicate.
  6. Relevant content: Provide exciting or informative content that educates, entertains or solves problems for your audience.
  7. Clear and honest subject lines: Use subject lines that reflect the content of your email as accurately as possible and avoid misleading titles.
  8. Consistent branding: Maintain a consistent look and feel in your emails, this builds trust and brand identity.
  9. Easy unsubscribe: Provide clear unsubscribe options in every email and implement them promptly.
  10. Use monitoring: Monitor performance data and adjust your strategy if problems arise.

eco podcast on 40 years of email in Germany

The latest episode of the eco German-language podcast “Das Ohr am Netz” (The ear to the Internet) also addresses the beginnings of electronic mail, its development and the ongoing relevance of email in today’s connected world. The eco podcast can be listened to on all common platforms and can be subscribed to here.

Further information on the survey:

Survey period: 24.06. to 25.06.2024

Surveyed population (sample size):

Total German population aged 18 and over (2,500)

eco-Umfrage: 40 Jahre nach erster E-Mail in Deutschland bleibt die elektronische Post das beliebteste Kommunikationsmittel

eco-Umfrage: 40 Jahre nach erster E-Mail in Deutschland bleibt die elektronische Post das beliebteste Kommunikationsmittel 1

eco-Umfrage: 40 Jahre nach erster E-Mail in Deutschland bleibt die elektronische Post das beliebteste Kommunikationsmittel 2

Download the German-language press release

The Email Revolution Transforming Customer Experience 1
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