
EuroCloud Native Member in Interview: Ayedo Cloud Solutions

An interview with Fabian Peter, Managing Director at Ayedo Cloud Solutions


Why did you become a member of EuroCloud Native?  How should the initiative ideally support you?

As a provider of future-oriented technologies, we are always on the lookout for like-minded people and partners to influence the technology landscape throughout Germany and Europe in the long term and to bring it forward. The cloud native ecosystem thrives on community work and long-term partnerships between the participants in order to sustainably meet the constantly growing demands of modern software development and operation and to develop solutions that are free of vendor lock-in and that are as platform-independent as possible. From the ECN we hope to be part of a focused European community and initiative working together on the technology landscape of tomorrow.

How are you involved in the cloud initiative?

I believe that will be seen in due course. As a solution provider, we bring a range of proven open source solutions to the initiative; as a service provider, we can draw on a wealth of knowledge and experience regarding the real needs of the market and the direction of the entire ecosystem, thereby contributing to doing the right things at the right time, especially in terms of content.

What makes your company cloud native?

Beyond the basics – the use of cloud native technology – we distinguish ourselves by uncompromisingly thinking in terms of “open source” and focusing on the provision of hyperscaler functionality in classic infrastructure scenarios. In concrete terms, this means that our mission is to make hyperscalers usable, while equipping our customers and partners technologically in such a way that they can access the same functionality on any system, free of vendor lock-in. We place great emphasis on the use of adequate tools and the provision of solutions “as code”, so that a high degree of automation, traceability and stability can be achieved. Since our first deployment with OpenVZ and Proxmox over 10 years ago, we have been constantly working on deploying and improving container solutions and are familiar with both the “old world” and the new cloud native world, which enables us to provide modern solutions for aging systems.

Why does Germany need a cloud initiative like the ECN?

Germany lags more than a decade behind the industry leaders in terms of technological standards in the software sector. In many respects, it is difficult to develop contemporary solutions because, on the one hand, there are too few professionally trained staff, and on the other hand, the German market suffers very much from the “not invented here” syndrome, which makes it enormously difficult to establish new technologies in companies (or in people’s minds in general). On the one hand, an awareness needs to be raised that we have gaps in education to catch up on. On the other hand, what is really needed for the cloud native ecosystem and the related mindset of openness and collaboration is the following: prominent and established representatives in the market who can show what is possible and why it is important to engage in this ecosystem.


EuroCloud Native Member in Interview: Ayedo Cloud Solutions