
EuroCloud Native-Alliance Partner Interview: Adacor Hosting

An interview with Andreas Bachmann, CEO at Adacor Hosting

Why do you support EuroCloud Native (ECN) as an Alliance Partner?

Most companies in Germany still have a long way to go before they are “cloud native” or “cloud first”. As a result, they leave enormous potential in terms of efficiency, speed and new business models untapped. For most companies, going all-in on the cloud world doesn’t work for a variety of reasons. Through the exchange in the ECN, we aim to help shape an ecosystem that makes the path to the cloud more accessible for companies.

How have you specialised and positioned yourselves as a provider for the cloud native market?

We have 20 years of experience in the design of IT infrastructures and especially in 24/7 operations, incident and change management. In recent years, we have expanded this know-how to include Kubernetes and Azure and now support around 1/3 of our customers with a focal point of cloud native infrastructures based on Azure, Kubernetes and CI/CD. Our own cloud and data centre infrastructure enables hybrid IT landscapes to gradually move from on-premises to cloud native.

What do you bring to the initiative for ECN members?

We specifically bring in our expertise in the 24/7 operation of critical infrastructures with very high SLAs and can pass on our experience in terms of organisation, structures, processes and tools. Further topics in which we have a lot of experience are the areas of corporate culture, support programmes and compliance / certifications.

Why does Germany need a cloud initiative like the ECN?

Germany is still lagging behind in the digitalisation of companies, processes and business models. Fast and innovative digitalisation only works with cloud solutions at its core. The ECN is therefore important to promote visibility, exchange and innovation for and among us as digitalisation service providers, and to thus enable faster and better cloud services for companies in Germany.

EuroCloud Native-Alliance Partner Interview: Adacor Hosting