Spam mails, incitement of the masses, or endangerment of minors: the Internet is also not lacking in illegal content. At the eco Complaints Office, Internet users can report illegal content, in particular (media) content relevant for the protection of minors.
Submitting complaints simply, quickly, and anonymously
The eco Complaints Office accepts complaints about all Internet services: websites, emails, data exchange services, chats, news groups and forums. Any Internet user can report content. The legally-trained staff members of the eco Complaints Office check, at first, whether the reported content is actually illegal and then take appropriate measures to ensure that the content is removed from the Internet. Criminal content is also generally reported to the law enforcement agencies.

Nationally and internationally interconnected: Together for a clean Internet
On a national level, the eco Complaints Office is partner of the German Safer Internet Centre. Besides the eco and FMS operated website, the awareness center klicksafe, the hotline, as well as the children and youth telephone service “Nummer gegen Kummer” belong to this alliance of helplines. In addition to combating illegal Internet content, we always have the promotion of media competence and awareness-raising on the Internet in mind, and as required, we can refer to the “Nummer gegen Kummer” helpline as an advisory service for children, young people and parents.
Given that together, we are always stronger, the eco Complaints Office is a (founding) member of the international hotline network INHOPE. More than 45 complaints offices from over 40 countries belong to this association. Every member can pass on complaints to each other, if the reported content is not hosted in their own country.
What can you do?
Every report counts in the fight against illegal content! In 2017, the eco Complaints Office was responsible for child pornographic websites hosted in Germany being taken down within 2.28 days (including weekends and public holidays). If you come across content on the Internet that you believe to be illegal, do not hesitate: Report the content to the eco Complaints Office.
- Attorney at law, Head of eco Complaints OfficeAlexandra