The SmartHome Initiative Germany and eco – Association of the Internet Industry are joining forces in promoting Smart Home innovations and markets. For the SmartHome Initiative, with its regional networks and more than 100 member companies, the Internet is an essential building block for smart building, living and working. Based on the strength of the Internet of Things (IoT), the eco member companies offer a great deal of know-how on technologies and applications.
In order to make our lives in the Smart Home more efficient and comfortable, the SmartHome Initiative and the eco Association have entered into a close cooperative arrangement. In the future, the partners plan to exchange more speakers, work together on analyses and studies, and jointly organise events. “Through our cooperation with the SmartHome Initiative, we expect both parties to benefit from synergy effects, as well as from each other’s complementary expertise on connected Smart Home ecosystems,” says Markus Schaffrin, Head of Member Services at eco – Association of the Internet Industry.
Günther Ohland, Chair of the Board of the SmartHome Initiative: “For many years now, we have been been undertaking excellent work with the eco Association, especially at regional expert events, and are very pleased to now give this cooperation an official framework.”
Shaping digital Smart Home ecosystems
Smart Home is increasingly becoming standard equipment in residential and functional buildings. Many prefabricated house manufacturers are already building “smart ex-works”, and more and more housing associations and cooperatives are recognising the benefits for themselves and their tenants. Smart basic infrastructure with individual expansion options is planned from the outset. The EU programme “New European Bauhaus” is based on smart new buildings and retrofits of existing buildings.
It is becoming increasingly clear that users and residents want to be able to check or control their Smart Home at any time and from any place via the Internet. Artificial intelligence (AI) helps the Smart Home to adapt heating and cooling to meet current and planned requirements, thus saving on CO2 emissions and costs. AI also helps to punctually detect and even predict incidents and dangerous situations in the home. This protects the life and health of the residents.