
eco Hannover Messe Survey: 51% of Companies Use Artificial Intelligence

  • One in four companies (27.4%) already uses AI to analyse and process texts
  • Data protection and security are the major hurdles for every second company (49.2%) when using artificial intelligence

Around one in two companies (51 per cent) are already using artificial intelligence (AI), according to a recent survey by market and opinion research institute Civey. On behalf of eco – Association of the Internet Industry, on the occasion of Hannover Messe 2024, the market and opinion research institute asked around 500 IT decision-makers where their own company is already using AI and what challenges they are currently facing. According to one result, the preferred application is processing and analysing texts. More than one in four companies (27.4 per cent) are already using AI in this area. For data analysis, 25.9 per cent are using AI and 22.3 per cent are using AI to automate their processes.

One in two companies (49 per cent) sees data protection and security as the biggest challenges to the professional use of artificial intelligence. A lack of expertise and training is described as a challenge by 45.7 per cent. Integrating AI into existing systems is difficult for 39 per cent, and around one in three (35.2 per cent) have ethical concerns about the professional use of artificial intelligence.

Eight AI flagship projects with Gaia-X

“Artificial intelligence is revolutionising industrial processes at a breathtaking pace and helping to counteract the shortage of skilled workers,” says Andreas Weiss, Managing Director of the eco Association. “However, many companies are still leaving huge amounts of data and the potential of intelligent networking and analysis untapped. At the Gaia-X stand at Hannover Messe 2024, we will be using eight flagship projects to demonstrate the innovative business models and services based on digital ecosystems that are possible with Gaia-X.”

AI can also help achieve sustainability goals by focusing on sustainable data sources and infrastructures. With an exhibition area of 237 square metres, the Gaia-X Community stand offers an ideal introduction to data-based value creation, especially for SMEs.

Artificial intelligence is the main theme of Hannover Messe 2024, where the organisers are once again expecting 4,000 exhibitors from 22 to 26 April. The eco Association will be present at the world’s largest industry exhibition with solutions centred around Gaia-X Federation Services (GXFS). GXFS and the Eclipse Foundation will jointly provide information about the XFSC toolbox and opportunities to participate in the development of the Gaia-X Federation Services framework. “We are looking forward to being at Hannover Messe again this year and to interacting with the XFSC community and new interested parties,” says Emma Wehrwein, GXFS/XFSC Project Manager. From 22 to 26 April, eight exhibitors from the Gaia-X community will be demonstrating how sovereign data exchange and new cloud infrastructures are revolutionising the industry in Hall 8, Stand F25.

About Gaia-X Federation Services

GXFS is the project name of an initiative funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and based on a resolution of the German Bundestag. It was launched to initiate the collaborative development of Gaia-X Federation Services. The governance of the open source code resulting from this funded project was transferred to the Eclipse Foundation in 2023. The eco – Association of the Internet Industry, based in Cologne, coordinates the procurement of this implementation work and awards the contracts for the project implementation on the basis of an open EU-wide tendering procedure.


eco Umfrage zur Hannover Messe: 51 Prozent der Unternehmen nutzen Künstliche Intelligenz
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eco Hannover Messe Survey: 51% of Companies Use Artificial Intelligence