
eco Calls for Clear Framework Conditions for Data Sharing

According to eco Chair of the Board Oliver Süme:The German federal government Data Strategy must clarify open questions related to the use of data in an economic context.” 

  • eco survey on the digitalisation of industry: 55.2 per cent of the IT experts surveyed see bureaucracy as the major hurdle in the digital transformation of industry
  • New episode of the eco German-language podcast “Das Ohr am Netz” (“An Ear to the Internet”) discusses Industry 4.0 and Industrial Metaverse
  • High-performance digital infrastructures such as data centres are the foundation for digital sovereignty and sustainable digital transformation in Germany as a business location

On the occasion of the Hannover Messe, the Internet industry is calling for clear framework conditions from politicians for the sharing of data in the industry. The motto of this year’s Hannover Messe is “Industrial Transformation”, but in the opinion of many IT experts, this is an area where the German industry is not yet at the top of the international rankings. This is the result of a survey among 250 IT experts in Germany, conducted by the Civey opinion research institute on behalf of eco – Association of the Internet Industry. According to 83.7 per cent of the IT experts surveyed, compared to other countries, Germany is in a rather poor position in terms of digitalisation. The respondents named bureaucracy (55.2 per cent), lack of know-how (53.2 per cent) and high data protection requirements (50.6 per cent) as the major challenges for digitalisation.

“When it comes to factors such as a lack of data availability and legal uncertainties in the use of data, a lack of uniform standards and, in particular, regulatory and financial incentives for sharing data with other participants in value creation processes: these factors are currently keeping many innovative companies from breaking down data silos and investing in this area,” states eco Chair of the Board Oliver Süme. Süme calls on the German federal government to finally create clear and proportionate rules for the exchange of data as well as incentives for standardisation and the establishment of data trustees, and to also increase the availability of public sector data. “I therefore welcome the fact that, with the announced Data Strategy, the German federal government intends to finally clarify the numerous open questions in accordance with the use of data in an economic context.” As Süme goes on to say, a prerequisite for a strong data economy is also powerful digital infrastructures such as data centres as the backbone and foundation for digital sovereignty and sustainable digitalisation.

eco Podcast “Das Ohr am Netz” explains the potential of data ecosystems

The current episode of the eco German-language podcast “Das Ohr am Netz” (“An Ear to the Internet”) looks at the Hannover Messe and Industry 4.0 from an industrial, scientific and political perspective. Sidonie Krug and Sven Oswald talk to Jochen Mohr from Hewlett Packard Enterprise about the relevance of data for optimising product lifecycles. Fabian Rücker, an expert in extended reality and PhD student at the Fraunhofer Institute IGD, explains how reality and digitalisation can merge in the metaverse, and specifies potential fields of use in industry. Ernst Stöckl-Puckall is Head of the Department for Digitalisation and Industry 4.0 at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). He provides insights into how policymakers are driving the development of a new platform economy by creating suitable framework conditions and facilitating communication and exchange between the business and research agents involved, and also looks into what role digital sovereignty plays in this ecosystem.

eco at the Hannover Messe

eco supports collaborative data use and is currently presenting possible areas of application at the Hannover Messe. Gaia-X Federations Services (GXFS) will showcase a toolbox for powerful data ecosystems in Hall 8, Stand D26. In addition, the Gaia-X Hub Germany and the Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL will present innovations and solutions at the joint stand for Industry 4.0, which are based on the data sharing model and thus strengthen value chains. Visitors can experience concrete applications and research projects during a panel discussion on 21 April from 10:55 a.m. in Hall 8, Stand D17.

The new episode of “Das Ohr am Netz” highlights current trends at this year’s Hannover Messe: Which digital innovations and solutions will be presented at the Hannover Messe in 2023? What role does data play in the digital industry? And what connection is there between the trade fair and the Industry 4.0 concept? The two podcasters Sidonie and Sven get to the bottom of it.

Download photo: German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and Technology Robert Habeck visited the Gaia-X stand in Hall 8, Stand D17 today.


eco Calls for Clear Framework Conditions for Data Sharing

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