- Digitalization’s opinion leaders, visionaries, and decision-makers honored the winners in seven categories
- Internet journalist Tim Cole received a special prize for his life’s work
- Photos at www.flickr.com/photos/ecoev
Uncomplicated, intuitive, effective – this is how technology has to be if it is to find a place in our working and private lives. With the eco://award, outstanding ideas and solutions that fulfil these as well as other criteria were honored by eco – Association of the Internet Industry on 28 November in Cologne. For the 17th time, companies which are particularly innovative were presented with the renowned eco://award. What they all have in common? The fact that their ready-for-market products, services, or processes all use the Internet as a basis or as an intelligent enhancement.
“With the rapid developments in the age of digitalization, it is a challenge not only to keep pace, but to be one step ahead of the game. The large number of applicants and, of course, the nominees and winners in particular, have demonstrated that they can do this successfully,” said Oliver Süme, Chair of the largest association of the Internet industry in Europe, and added: “Their visions, their tenacity, their technical understanding and human finesse are what make our digital ecosystems thrive and, on top of that, bit by bit make our lives somewhat easier, maybe even a bit better.”
Winners in seven categories distinguished with eco://award 2018
A jury of experts decided on the nominations and the bestowal of the eco://award. In each of the seven categories, eco nominated persons from the fields of business, science and academia, research, and the media with the corresponding expertise and experience.
Consultix GmbH for ProCampaign Lighthouse – the secure Customer Engagement Hub for individualized marketing campaigns, which fully complies with the requirements of the GDPR.
DENIC eG for the Data Escrow Service – a unique solution for registrars and registries to meet their contractual escrow obligations in accordance with European legal standards.
KAMP Netzwerkdienste GmbH for the KAMP Dynamic Hardware Pool – with DHP, companies can operate a secure virtual data center that, combined with on-site colocation, offers the optimal IT platform for their specific application.
CATEGORY Data Center Infrastructure:
ColocationIX GmbH for ColocationIX – the data center in the former nuclear shelter with the highest level of digital and physical security and an innovative fire protection and climate control concept.
CATEGORY ISP/Interconnection:
ANEXIA Deutschland GmbH for Backbone Europe – the massive expansion of the European network (n*100G), with the highest level of network quality and best routing.
CATEGORY Security:
Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity GmbH for R&S Trusted Gate – combining a Cloud Access Security Broker with a data-centric encryption system to make data more secure in the public cloud.
CATEGORY Innovation/Digital Business Models:
eyeo GmbH for Trusted News – which checks the trustworthiness of information on the Internet, and through which malware, fake news, and clickbait is visible at a glance.
The full particulars can be read at https://international.eco.de/eco-award-2018/award-2018/nominierte-2018/.
Special Prize for Tim Cole
Tim Cole was honored by eco with a special prize for his life’s work. For many years, the German-American author and publicist has immersed himself in topics relating to the Internet, e-business, the social web, and IoT. “When Internet visionaries were still dismissed as crackpots in the early 1990s, he recognized the potential of the global data network and made a significant contribution to the commercial breakthrough of the Internet in Germany,” explained eco CEO Harald A. Summa in his laudatory speech. Cole has managed “to present technical developments in such a way that people not only understand them, but also – thanks to him – understand the consequences for their own actions and the implications for society.”
The 17th eco://awards were presented at an exclusive event in Cologne’s Wolkenburg. Opinion leaders, visionaries, and decision-makers came together to learn about the pioneering solutions, to exchange views and ideas, and to expand their networks.