- Almost three out of four Germans (73.9 per cent) agree with the statement: “Independent governance of the Internet is important for the freedom of information and the freedom of expression in our society”.
- At the ICANN78 Annual General Meeting taking place from 21 to 26 October 2023, an independent multi-stakeholder community will make decisions on core functions of the Internet.
The Internet is largely self-governing, independent of individual companies or governments – which is a good approach. Three out of four Germans (73.9 per cent) concur with this statement: “Independent governance of the Internet is important for the freedom of information and the freedom of expression in our society”.This is revealed by a representative survey of 2,519 Germans commissioned by the eco Association and conducted by the market and opinion research institute Civey.
How this self-governance actually works will be vividly demonstrated at the ICANN78 meeting taking place in Hamburg from 21 to 26 October. Around 2,500 guests from all over the world will convene there to make pivotal decisions for the operation of the Internet. “In October in Hamburg, the governance of the Internet will be in the hands of the people who freely and democratically drive important decision-making processes to ensure an independent Internet today and in the future,” says eco Chair of the Board Oliver Süme. Participation in the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is open to everyone. Among other activities, ICANN coordinates the Domain Name System (DNS), i.e. the allocation of unique names and addresses on the Internet and the assignment of IP addresses.
Worldwide ICANN community will shape the free Internet in Hamburg
All those who would like to participate in shaping the Internet directly on site or online are invited to attend the ICANN78 meeting. The free-of-charge registration required for participation is now open. “I’m very pleased that we were able to bring an ICANN conference to Germany for the first time since Berlin 1999, and particularly to bring this to my home town of Hamburg,” Oliver Süme goes on to say. As eco Chair of the Board, he worked hard together with DENIC eG and the city of Hamburg to ensure that the Hanseatic city would host the global Internet community.
The decisions ICANN will reach in Hamburg will affect all Internet users around the world. In a grassroots democratic process, the various interest groups of the ICANN community will develop rules and procedures for the Domain Name System; without these, no website can be accessed. Decisions are expected to be taken on data protection issues or the transfer of domains. One of the top issues at ICANN78 will be the introduction of further top-level domains, where the last hurdles are to be surmounted so that applications for new domain extensions can be made again in 2026.
All information on the eco Accompany Programme ICANN78
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