News, Publications and Consultations from the Past Week
News CW 16 (15.04.2024-21.04.2024)
Artificial Intelligence: The revised text for the European AI Act has now been published and is available online. This revised text has been submitted to the LIBE Committee for review.
Telecommunications standards: At its General Assembly on 16 April, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) elected Jan Ellsberger as its new “General Director”. Ellsberger emerged as the winner following a competitive vote among several contenders.
Cloud Security: Discussions about the European Cloud Security Certification Scheme (EUCS) show no signs of abating. After a new draft was recently presented that largely omitted sovereignty criteria, it has now been criticised by France (euractiv).
Selected Publications from the EP Think Tank:
Ongoing Relevant European Commission Consultations
- Data protection in the interconnection between ICSMS and national customs systems via EU CSW-CERTEX (until 22.04.2024)
- R&D on dual-use technologies – options for support (until 30.04.2024)
- Terrorist Content Online Regulation – evaluation (until 09.05.2024)
- ICT use and e-commerce – technical specifications for 2025 (data requirements) (until 13.05.2024)
- ICT use – specifications for 2025 (number & titles of variables) (until 13.05.2024)
- Combating child sexual abuse – review of EU rules (until 21.05.2024)
- How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? (until 30.06.2024)
Selections of the Current Week CW 17 (22.04.2024-28.04.2024)
The current preview of the Council’s work for the upcoming days until 05.05.2024 can be found here.
Summit and Ministerial Meetings:
This week, there are no Council meetings of relevance to the Internet industry.
Preparatory Bodies:
- Horizontal WP on Cyber Issues, 04.2024, Agenda
- COREPER II, 04.2024
- Horizontal WP on Cyber Issues, 04.2024
- COREPER I, 04.2024
An overview of the various Council dates can be found here.
The agenda of the current Commission meeting was not available at our time of writing. You can potentially find it on the Commission’s website in the near future.
Plenary Sittings (Strasbourg)
The agenda for the current plenary sittings week can be found here.
Here you can find a list of the upcoming dates of the European Parliament. The calendar of the plenary sittings for 2024 is available here (PDF).
LIBE Committee (Civil Liberties)
The agenda for the current meeting of the LIBE Committee taking place on 22.04.2024 Â can be found here.
JURI Committee (Legal Affairs)
No meeting of the JURI Committee is scheduled for this week.
No meeting of the ITRE Committee is scheduled for this week.
IMCO Committee (Internal Market)
No meeting of the IMCO Committee is scheduled for this week.
CULT Committee (Culture and Education)
No meeting of the CULT Committee is scheduled for this week.
An overview of the following session weeks can be found here.
European Court of Justice
You can find the judicial calendar of the ECJ here.