News, Publications and Consultations from the Past Week
News CW 2 (08.01.2024-14.01.2024)
AI Act: The technical discussions on the recitals of the AI Act resumed last Tuesday under the Belgian Presidency. Smooth progress was made on some of the less controversial parts of the text, such as governance and sandboxes, given that the text had previously been prepared in informal meetings. Two more technical trilogues are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday next week, with the view of finalising the text by Monday 22 January. The discussion at the Working Party is scheduled for 24 January, while the COREPER adoption is set for 2 February. However, the timetable might be delayed, given that several countries consider it too tight to fully review the text. (Euractiv)
Selected Publications from the EP Think Tank:
- There are currently no relevant publications for the Internet industry.
Ongoing Relevant European Commission Consultations
- Data Centres in Europe – Reporting Scheme (until01.2024)
- Report on the General Data Protection Regulation (until02.2024)
Selections of the CW 3 (15.01.2024-21.01.2024)
A current outlook on the Council’s activities is unfortunately not available at present.
Summit and Ministerial Meetings:
- No Council meetings (of relevance to the Internet industry) are taking place this week.
Preparatory Bodies:
- WP Telecommunications and Information Society, 01.2024, Agenda
- Coreper I, 01.2024
- Horizontal Working Party on Cyber Issues, 01.2024
- Coreper II, 01.2024
- WP Telecommunications and Information Society, 01.2024, Agenda
- Coreper I, 01.2024
An overview of the various Council dates can be found here.
The agenda for the current Commission meeting taking place on 16 January 2024 can be found here.
Plenary Sittings (Sitting Week in Strasbourg)
The agenda for the current plenary sittings week can be found here. From the perspective of the Internet industry, the following agenda items are relevant:
- Fluorinated gases regulation
- Policy implications of the development of virtual worlds – civil, company, commercial and intellectual property law issues
- Virtual worlds – opportunities, risks and policy implications for the single market
Here you can find a list of the upcoming dates of the European Parliament. The calendar of the plenary sittings for 2024 is available here (PDF).
LIBE Committee (Civil Liberties)
No meeting of the LIBE Committee is scheduled for this week.
JURI Committee (Legal Affairs)
No meeting of the JURI Committee is scheduled for this week.
The current timetables of the JURI Committee (as of 31.12.2023) can be found here.
ITRE Committee (Industry)
No meeting of the ITRE Committee is scheduled for this week.
The current timetables of the ITRE Committee (as of 12.12.2023) can be found here.
IMCO Committee (Internal Market)
No meeting of the IMCO Committee is scheduled for this week.
The current timetables of the IMCO Committee (as of 28.11.2023) can be found here.
CULT Committee (Culture and Education)
No meeting of the CULT Committee is scheduled for this week.
An overview of the following session weeks can be found here. The provisional agenda for the upcoming plenary sittings can be found here.
European Court of Justice
You can find the judicial calendar of the ECJ here.