News, Publications and Consultations from the Past Week
News CW 48 (27.11.2023-01.12.2023)
Cyber Resilience Act: This week in the trilogue process, the EU Parliament, Member States and the EU Commission reached a compromise on the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). The regulation formulates new reporting obligations and minimum requirements for IoT devices, and currently mandates that security updates must be provided for a minimum period of five years. The impact of these new rules on open source software remains debatable. (Heise – DE)
AI Act: Shortly before the AI Act was passed, a dispute broke out between publishers and providers of AI models on the question of how artists are remunerated for training AI models based on their works (Euractiv, Handelsblatt –DE). In parallel, a group of researchers from the AI sector urged the German federal government to enforce stricter regulations in the AI Act and to refrain from self-committing measures (Zeit Online, Paywall – DE).
Transatlantic Dialogue: A meeting of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC), established since September 2021 and initially planned for December, has been postponed to April 2024. The TTC was created to facilitate discussions and develop joint digital strategies between Brussels and Washington. (Euractiv – DE/FR)
Selected Publications from the EP Think Tank:
- Innovative technologies in the development of geothermal energy in Europe
- Critical raw materials act
- Energy transition in the EU
- EU-US critical minerals agreement: Building stronger supply chains together
- EU Cyber Resilience Act
- Cyber solidarity act
Ongoing Relevant European Commission Consultations
- Supervision of Crypto Assets – criteria, procedures and fees (until 06.12.2023)
- Proposal for a DIRECTIVE on the simplification of reporting obligations in environmental legislation (until 19.12.2023)
- Rationalisation of reporting obligations – outline of draft proposals in the field of mobility and transport (until 19.12.2023)
- Consumer rights – adapting out-of-court dispute resolution to digital markets (until 04.01.2024)
- Digital certificates of origin for Brazilian products (until 15.12.2023)
- Critical ICT third-party service providers – criteria & fees (until 14.12.2023)
Selections of the CW 49 (04.12.2023-10.12.2023)
The current preview of the Council’s work for the upcoming days until 10.12.2023 can be found here.
Summit and Ministerial Meetings:
- Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Telecommunications) 12.2023, Agenda
- Competitiveness Council (Internal market and industry), 12.2023, Agenda
- Economic and Financial Affairs Council, 12.2023, Agenda
- EU-China summit, 07-08.12.2023
Preparatory Bodies:
- Horizontal Working Party on Cyber Issues, 12.2023, Agenda
- Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth – Industry, 12.2023, Agenda
- COREPER (Part 1), 12.2023, Agenda
- COREPER (Part 2), 12.2023, Agenda
- Audiovisual Working Party, 12.2023, Agenda
- Horizontal Working Party on Cyber Issues, 12.2023, Agenda
- COREPER (Part 1), 12.2023, Agenda
- COREPER (Part 2), 12.2023, Agenda
An overview of the various Council dates can be found here.
The agenda of the current Commission meeting was not available at our time of writing. You can potentially find it on the Commission’s website in the near future.
No European Parliament plenary sittings are taking place this week.
Here you can find a list of the upcoming dates of the European Parliament.
The calendar of the plenary sittings for 2023 is available here (PDF), and is also available for 2024 here.
LIBE Committee (Civil Liberties)
The agenda for the current meeting of the LIBE Committee taking place on 04.12.2023 Â can be found here. From the perspective of the Internet industry, the following agenda items are relevant:
- Establishment of the digital euro
- Automated data exchange for police cooperation (“Prüm II”)
JURI Committee (Legal Affairs)
The agenda for the current meeting of the JURI Committee taking place on 07.12.2023 Â was not yet available at our time of publication.
The current timetables of the JURI Committee (as of 30.11.2023) can be found here.
ITRE Committee (Industry)
The agenda for the current meeting of the ITRE Committee taking place on 07.12.2023 can be found here. From the perspective of the Internet industry, the following agenda items are relevant:
- Measures to reduce the cost of deploying gigabit electronic communications networks and repealing Directive 2014/61/EU (Gigabit Infrastructure Act)
- Horizontal cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020
- Amending Regulation (EU) 2019/881 as regards managed security services
- Establishing a framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials and amending Regulations (EU) 168/2013, (EU) 2018/858, 2018/1724 and (EU) 2019/1020
- Amending Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 as regards establishing a framework for a European Digital Identity
- Laying down measures to strengthen solidarity and capacities in the Union to detect, prepare for and respond to cybersecurity threats and incidents
- Presentation by Ms Renate Nikolay, Deputy Director-General of DG CNECT, of the 2023 Report on the state of the Digital Decade
The current timetables of the ITRE Committee (as of 29.11.2023) can be found here.
IMCO Committee (Internal Market)
The agenda for the current meeting of the IMCO Committee taking place on 04.12.2023 Â can be found here. From the perspective of the Internet industry, the following agenda items are relevant:
- Amending Regulations (EU) No 1024/2012 and (EU) 2018/1724 as regards the use of the Internal Market Information System and the Single Digital Gateway for the purposes of certain requirements laid down by Directive (EU) …/… of the European Parliament and of the Council on European cross-border associations (COM(2023)516))
The current timetables of the IMCO Committee (as of 28.11.2023) can be found here.
CULT Committee (Culture and Education)
The agenda for the current meeting of the CULT Committee taking place on 04.12.2023 Â can be found here. From the perspective of the Internet industry, the following agenda items are relevant:
- Establishing a common framework for media services in the internal market (European Media Freedom Act) and amending Directive 2010/13/EU
An overview of the following session weeks can be found here. The provisional agenda for the upcoming plenary sittings can be found here.
European Court of Justice
You can find the judicial calendar of the ECJ here.