News, Publications and Consultations from the Past Week
News CW 42 (16.10.2023-20.10.2023)
DSA: Thierry Breton, EU Internal Market Commissioner, announced a transitional solution for the implementation of the DSA on 18 October. The Member States should coordinate their implementation measures now and not wait until 17 February next year. (see Euractiv)
AI Act: On 17 October, the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council announced that it had reached an agreement on the core areas of the AI Act. In particular, a graduated approach to the regulation of foundation models was taken up by the Council. (see Euractiv)
Selected Publications from the EP Think Tank:
- What if generative artificial intelligence became conscious?
- EU-US Trade and Technology Council: Political alignment yields results
- Plenary round-up – October II 2023
Ongoing Relevant European Commission Consultations
- Cybersecurity – security requirements for ICT product certification (until 31.10.2023)
- EU electricity supply – sector-specific rules on cybersecurity (network code) (until 17.11.2023)
Selections of the Current Week CW 42 (16.10.2023-20.10.2023)
The current preview of the Council’s work for the coming days until 05.11.2023  can be found here.
Summit and Ministerial Meetings:
·       Informal Ministerial Meeting on Telecommunications, 23./24.10.2023, Agenda
Preparatory Bodies:
- Horizontal Working Party on Cyber Issues, 10.2023, Agenda
- Working Party on Financial Services and the Banking Union (Financial Services), 10.2023, Agenda
- COREPER II, 10.2023, Agenda
- Working Party on Company Law, 10.2023, Agenda
- Working Party on Energy, 10.2023, Agenda
- Working Party on Financial Services and the Banking Union (Financial Services), 10.2023, Agenda
- JHA COUNSELLORS, 10.2023, Agenda
- COREPER I, 10.2023, Agenda
- COREPER II, 10.2023
- Working Party on Telecommunications and Information Society, 10.2023
- Working Party on Financial Services and the Banking Union (Financial Services), 10.2023, Agenda
- COREPER I, 10.2023, Agenda
An overview of the various Council dates can be found here.
The agenda of the current Commission meeting of 24.10.2023 can be found here.
Plenary Sittings
The European Parliament is not holding any plenary sittings this week.
Here you can find a list of the upcoming dates of the European Parliament. The calendar of the plenary sittings for 2023 is available here (PDF), and is also available for 2024 here.
LIBE Committee (Civil Liberties)
The agenda for the current meeting of the LIBE Committee taking place on 25 & 26.10.2023 Â can be found here. From the perspective of the Internet industry, the following agenda items are relevant:
- Exchange of views regarding recent allegations indicating conflicts of interest with regard to the CSAM Regulation proposal
- Exchange of views on the priorities of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB)
- Amending Council Decision 2009/917/JHA, as regards its alignment with Union rules on the protection of personal data
- Laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse
- Harmonised rules on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act) and amending certain Union Legislative Acts
- Use of spyware in some Member States
JURI Committee (Legal Affairs)
The agenda for the current meeting of the JURI Committee taking place on 24.10.2023 can be found here. From the perspective of the Internet industry, the following agenda items are relevant:
- Digitalisation and Administrative Law
- Implementation of the 2018 Geo-blocking Regulation in the digital single market
- Amending Directives 2009/102/EC and (EU) 2017/1132 as regards further expanding and upgrading the use of digital tools and processes in company law
- Policy implications of the development of virtual worlds – civil, company, commercial and intellectual property law issues
The current timetables of the JURI Committee (as of 04.10.2023) can be found here.
ITRE Committee (Industry)
The agenda for the current meeting of the ITRE Committee taking place on 25.10.2023 Â can be found here. From the perspective of the Internet industry, the following agenda items are relevant:
- Working group on the implementation of the Digital Services Act (DSA) * Reporting back to committee by Christel Schaldemose (S&D), Chair of the Working group
The current timetables of the ITRE Committee (as of 17.10.2023) can be found here.
IMCO Committee (Internal Market)
The agenda for the current meeting of the IMCO Committee taking place on 25.10.2023 Â can be found here. From the perspective of the Internet industry, the following agenda items are relevant:
- Harmonised rules on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act) and amending certain Union Legislative Acts
- Working group on the implementation of the Digital Services Act (DSA) * Reporting back to committee by Christel Schaldemose (S&D), Chair of the Working group
- Addictive design of online services and consumer protection in the EU single market
- Implementation of the 2018 Geo-blocking Regulation in the digital single market
The current timetables of the IMCO Committee (as of 19.09.2023) can be found here.
CULT Committee (Culture and Education)
The agenda for the current meeting of the CULT Committee taking place on 24.10.2023 Â can be found here. From the perspective of the Internet industry, the following agenda items are relevant:
- Establishing a common framework for media services in the internal market (European Media Freedom Act) and amending Directive 2010/13/EU
An overview of the following session weeks can be found here. The provisional agenda for the upcoming plenary sittings can be found here.
European Court of Justice
You can find the judicial calendar of the ECJ here.