In Focus: Investment, Technology, Security and New Business Models for Network Operators
Munich, 15 October 2019 – Under the leadership of Lorenz Grehlich, M-net Telekommunikations GmbH, 23 experts from the area of network operations came together for the inaugural meeting of the eco Competence Group Networks. The objective of the working group is to create a platform where decision-makers can exchange ideas and experiences openly and honestly on diverse networks-related topics.
The participants of the inaugural meeting were treated to a broad range of lightening speeches:
“We must make better use of the fiber-optic spectrum” – Stephan Rettenberger from ADVA Optical Networking SE began his opening speech – about programmable optical transmission technology and new possibilities for improving the use of fiber-optic infrastructure – with this statement.
We are currently experiencing a transition from on-premise to hyperscale, and what are the inherent liability scenarios for operators? This and further questions occupied Gerd J. Simon, Independent Management Consultant and Analyst in his talk on “Security aspects in fast-growing network infrastructures”.
Susanne Wesselmann from GasLINE GmbH & Co. KG identified five development drivers for the growing demand of fiber: Network rollouts by existing mobile network operators, the 5G market entry of new mobile providers, the rollout of regional campus networks, the structural change in the landline market (HFC, FTTH), and the growing need for data center capacity and Edge Computing.
What is the value of engagement in ICANN for network operators and ISPs? – Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Vice Chair ICANN ISPCP (ISPs and Connectivity Providers Constituency) was able to demonstrate this vividly and convincingly to the participating network specialists.
Where does Germany stand in the current ranking of digital infrastructures, 5G coverage, and ultrafast broadband? Dr. Nico Grove, Institute for Infrastructure Economics & Management, provided answers to these and further questions from the group of experts, and mapped out corresponding scenarios for the future.
Public Clouds are far more than infrastructure – Holger Nicolay, Interxion Deutschland GmbH, demonstrated this clearly in his lightening speech and looked into potential new areas of business for telecommunication providers.
The presentation „World politics in the network – Interacting with global equipment suppliers“ by Lorenz Grehlich brought the presentations to a conclusion and subsequently offered the participants plenty of opportunity for discussion.
Further meetings are in planning for 2020. Information concerning these will be available shortly at