Bundestag Plenary:
68th Session of the Bundestag on 29th November 2018 (German-language link )
Agenda Item 5: Privacy and security in the digital arena
Deliberation of the motion of the FDP parliamentary group Right to Encryption –
Strengthen privacy and security in the digital arena
Paper 19/5764
Agenda Item 29: Transfers Through Simplified Procedures
f) Deliberation of the motion of the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN (the Greens) parliamentary group on the proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and Council on certain aspects concerning contracts for the online and other forms of distance sales of goods
Com (2015) 635 final; Council doc 15252/15
here: Position statement to the German federal government pursuant to Article 23(3) of the German Constitution More consumer protection and longer durability through improved warranty periods
Paper 19/…
Agenda Item 10: Expansion of digital infrastructure
a) Second and third deliberation on the draft law of the federal government for a law to establish the special “digital infrastructure” fund
(Digital Infrastructure Funding Law – DIGF)
Paper 19/4720
Recommendation for a decision and report of the Committee on Budgets (8th Committee)
Paper 19/…
b) Deliberation on the recommendation for a decision and the report of the Committee on Traffic and Digital Infrastructure (15th Committee) on the motion of the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group
Broadband for all – Nationwide expansion of digital infrastructure
Papers 19/5306, 19/…
69th Session of the Bundestag on 30th November 2018 (German-language link)
Agenda Item 25: Cooperation Ban in Education
a) Deliberation on the motion of DIE LINKE (the Left) parliamentary group. Immediate abolishment of the cooperation ban – facilitation of joint investment in education
Paper 19/…
b) Deliberation on the motion of DIE LINKE parliamentary group. Enable funding for social housing through the federation after 2019
Paper 19/…
c) Deliberation on the recommendation for a decision and the report of the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment (18th Committee) on the motion of DIE LINKE parliamentary group. Immediate abolishment of the cooperation ban
Papers 19/13, 19/…
Agenda Item 28: Artificial Intelligence
a) Deliberation of the motion of the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group on Artificial Intelligence – Develop on the basis of European values and shape for the benefit of society and the environment
Paper 19/5667
b) Deliberation of the motion of the FDP parliamentary group Apply a success-oriented focus to the federal government’s strategy for AI
Paper 19/5629
c) Deliberation of the motion of the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of a European Defence Fund
COM(2018) 476 final; Council doc. 10084/18
here: Position statement to the German federal government pursuant to Article 23 Para. 3 of the Constitution No funding of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems through the European Defence Fund
Paper 19/5895
From the Committees:
15th Session of the Committee on Education, Research, and Technology Assessment on 28th November 2018
Agenda Item 2: Constitutional amendment
a) Draft law of the federal government Draft law on amending the Constitution (Article 104c, 104d, 125c, 143e)
BT-Paper 19/3440
b) Motion by members of parliament Dr. Petra Sitte, Birke Bull-Bischoff, Brigitte Freihold, additional members of parliament of DIE LINKE parliamentary group.
Completely abolish Cooperation Ban in Education
BT-Paper 19/13
c) Motion by members of parliament Dr. Götz Frömming, Marc Bernhard, Peter Boehringer, additional members of parliament and the AfD parliamentary group
Strengthening educational federalism
BT-Paper 19/4543
d) Motion by members of parliament Katja Suding, Nicola Beer, Dr. Jens Brandenburg (Rhine-Neckar), additional members of parliament and the FDP parliamentary group as well as the members of parliament Katja Dörner, Kai Gehring, Margit Stumpp, additional members of parliament and the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group
Better education through modern educational federalism
BT-Paper 19/4556
20th Session of the Digital Agenda Committee on 28th November 2018
Agenda Item 1: Public hearing on the topic “Blockchain”
- The German Bundestag will convene again from 10th to 14th December 2018.
- You can expect to receive the final Bundestag preview of the year on 10th December 2018.