Bundestag Plenary:
52nd Session of the Bundestag on 27th September 2018 (German-language link)
Agenda Item 30: Transfers Through Simplified Procedures
- k) Deliberation of the motion of the FDP Realistic Targets for the Introduction of Telematics Infrastructure
Paper 19/2692
- n) Deliberation of the motion of the FDP parliamentary group Creating Future-Oriented Framework Conditions for Distributed Ledger Technology in the Financial Market
Paper 19/4217
Agenda Item 9: Prevention of VAT Revenue Losses
- First deliberation on the draft law of the federal government for the Prevention of VAT Revenue Losses from Trading with Goods over the Internet and Amendment of Further Tax Provisions
Paper 19/4455
From the Committees:
15th Session of the Digital Agenda Committee on 26th September 2018
Agenda Item 2: Work of the German Ethics Council, Guest of the Committee:
Chair of the German Ethics Council, Prof. Peter Dabrock
Agenda Item 3: Motion by members of parliament Carina Konrad, Karlheinz Busen, Nicole Bauer, further members of parliament, and the FDP parliamentary group Using the Opportunities Afforded by Digitalization for Agriculture and Its Value Chain
Bundestag Paper 19/436
20th Session of the Committee for Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection on 26th September 2018
Agenda Item 2: Resolution on the holding of a public hearing on the bill: Draft Law of the Federal Government
Draft Law for the Implementation of the Marrakesh Directive on Improved Access to Copyright-Protected Works for the Benefit of Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print-Disabled
Bundestag Paper 19/3071
Agenda Item 4: Resolution on the scheduling for holding of the public hearing decided on the merits of the following submissions:
- a) Draft law of the members of parliament Stephan Brandner, Marcus Bühl, Joana Eleonora Cotar, further members of parliament, and the AfD parliamentary group on the draft of a law to repeal the Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG)
Bundestag Paper 19/81
- b) Draft law of the members of parliament Dr. Petra Sitte, Anke Domscheit-Berg, Simone Barrientos, further members of parliament, and DIE LINKE (the Left) parliamentary group: Draft of a law for partial repeal of the Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG)
Bundestag Paper 19/218
Agenda Item 23: Motion by the AfD parliamentary group Report of the Federal Government Regarding the Reinstatement of the Special Electronic Mailbox for Lawyers (beA)
Agenda Item 24: Motion by DIE LINKE (the Left) and BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN (the Greens) parliamentary groups Briefing by the Federal Network Agency on the Annual Report 2017
18th Session of the Committee on Transport and Digital Infrastructure on 26th September 2018
Agenda Item 10: Report of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure on the Mobile Communications Summit (self-assessment)
16th Session of the Committee for Economic Affairs and Energy on 26th September 2018
Agenda Item 5:
- a) Motion by members of parliament Katharina Dröge, Dr. Konstantin von Notz, Anja Hajduk, further members of parliament and the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN (the Greens) parliamentary group Fair Digital Markets – Ensuring Competition and Data Protection
Bundestag Paper 19/1852
- b) Motion by members of parliament Manuel Höferlin, Jimmy Schulz, Mario Brandenburg, further members of parliament and the FDP parliamentary group Programme for Accelerating Digitalization in Germany
Bundestag Paper 19/2991
Agenda Item 7: Report pursuant to § 56a GO-BT of the Committee for Education, Research, and Technology Assessment. Technology Assessment (TA) Additive Manufacturing Processes (3-D printing)
Bundestag Paper 18/13455
Agenda Item 8: Briefing by the federal government Report of the Federal Government 2017 pursuant to § 7 of the law on the Establishment of a National Standards Control Council Better Legislation 2017: The Bureaucratic Brake Works
Bundestag Paper 19/2160
Agenda Item 9: Briefing by the federal government Report of the Federal Government on the Work of the National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises in 2017
Bundestag Paper 19/2628
The German Bundestag will convene again from 8th to 12th October 2018.
You can expect to receive the next preview on 8th October 2018.