Bundestag Plenary:
39th Session of the Bundestag on 14th June 2018 (German-language LINK)
Agenda Item 3: Model declaratory action civil proceedings (German-language LINK)
- Second and third deliberations on the draft law proposed by the CDU/CSU and SPD parliamentary groups to introduce civil proceedings in the form of a model declaratory action
Paper 19/2507 - Second and third deliberations on the draft law proposed by the federal government to introduce civil proceedings in the form of a model declaratory action
Paper 19/2439, 19/... - Second and third deliberations on the draft law introduced by the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN (The Greens) to introduce group procedures
Paper 19/243 - Recommended resolution and report of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection (Committee 6)
Paper 19/... - Subject to composition.
40th Session of the Bundestag on 15th June 2018
Agenda Item 20: Agency for Radical Innovation (German-language LINK)
- Deliberation of the motion of the FDP parliamentary group: Establishment of an Agency for Radical Innovation
Paper 19/...
From the Committees:
13th Session of the Digital Agenda Committee on 13th June 2018
Agenda Item 4:
- Report of the Federal Government on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation
Agenda Item 5:
- Briefing by the Federal Network Agency on the 2017 Annual Report and the status of broadband expansion and mobile network coverage
18th Session of the Committee on Internal Affairs on 13th June 2018
Agenda Item 17:
- Resumption of the report by the Federal Government on the use and legal basis of source telecommunications surveillance and online searches
Agenda Item 19:
- Motion by the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN (The Greens) parliamentary group report of the Federal Government on the outflow of data and information, in particular of the Federal Police, due to the hacker attack on the IVBB (Information Association Berlin-Bonn)
16th Session of the Committee for Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection on 13th June 2018
Agenda Item 1:
- Draft law proposed by the CDU/CSU and SPD parliamentary groups. Draft law to introduce civil proceedings in the form of a model declaratory lawsuit
Bundestag Paper 19/2507* (*subject to authorization) - Draft law proposed by the Federal Government. Draft law to introduce civil proceedings in the form of a model declaratory lawsuit
Bundestag Paper 19/2439* (*subject to authorization) - Draft law proposed by the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN (The Greens). Draft law to introduce group procedures.
Bundestag Paper 19/243
Agenda Item 2:
- Briefing by the Federal Government. Consumer Policy Report of the Federal Government 2016
Bundestag Paper 18/9495
17th Session of the Committee for Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection on 13th June 2018
Single-Item Agenda:
- Public hearing on Articles 1, 2, 3, and 6 (topic area of blanket data retention) of the draft law by Christian Lindner, Stephan Thomae, Dr. Marco Buschmann, further members of parliament and the FDP parliamentary group. Draft law for strengthening of civil rights (Strengthening Civil Rights Law- BüStärG)
Bundestag Paper 19/204
11th Session of the Committee for Economic Affairs and Energy on 13th June 2018
Agenda Item 5:
- Briefing from the Federal Government. 21st Major Opinion of the Monopoly Commission 2016
Bundestag Paper 18/9860 - Briefing from the Federal Government. 21st Major Opinion of the Monopoly Commission 2016 Bundestag Paper 18/9860 - Federal Government Opinion
Bundestag Paper 18/13121
Agenda Item 6:
- Briefing from the Federal Government National Reform Program 2018
Bundestag Paper 19/1870
Agenda Item 7:
- Report of the Federal Cartel Office on its 2015/2016 activities as well as on the situation and development in its area of operation. Opinion of the Federal Government
Bundestag Paper 18/12760
Agenda Item 8:
- Report pursuant to § 56a GO-BT of the Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment. Technology Assessment (TA) Additive Manufacturing Processes (3-D Printing)
Bundestag Paper 18/13455
The German Bundestag will meet again from 25 to 29 June 2018. You can expect to receive the next forecast on 25 June 2018.