German Bundestag Plenary:
140th Session of the German Bundestag on 16th January 2020
- Agenda Item 10: Criminal Code – Cyber Grooming
Second and third deliberations on the draft law proposed by the federal government on:
Act for amending the Criminal Code – Trial punishability of cyber grooming
Recommendation for a decision and report of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection (6th Committee)
- Agenda Item 13: Freedom of Expression on the Internet
Deliberation on the motion of FDP parliamentary group
Defending freedom of expression – enforcing law on the Internet
From the Committees:
38th Meeting of the Committee for Construction, Housing, Urban Development, and Municipalities on 15th January 2020
- Agenda Item 1 – Public Hearing
a) Motion of the CDU/CSU and SPD parliamentary groups
Digitalization of planning and building
b) Motion of members of parliament Daniel Föst, Frank Sitta, Grigorios Aggelidis, further members of parliament and the FDP parliamentary group
Smart Building – An update for residential construction
List of experts:
- Dr. Andreas Geyer, Zentralverband Deutsches Baugewerbe e.V.
- René Hagemann-Miksits, Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie e.V.
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus König, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Prof. Daniel Mondino, HafenCity Universität Hamburg
- Dipl.-Ing. Martin Müller, Bundesarchitektenkammer e.V.
- Walter Palmetshofer, Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V.
- Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Reischböck, BIMobject Deutschland GmbH
- Dr. Jan Tulke, planen-bauen 4.0 GmbH
47th Meeting of the Digital Agenda Committee on 15th January 2020
- Agenda Item 2
Report of the Federal Government on the work of the Digital Cabinet
Guest of the committee: Minister Svenja Schulze (BMU – Federal Environmental Ministry)
80th Meeting of the Committee for Interior & Home Affairs on 15th January 2020
- Agenda Item 6
Motion of members of parliament Manuel Höferlin, Frank Sitta, Jimmy Schulz, further members of parliament and the FDP parliamentary group
Smart Germany – Cybersecurity of 5G Networks
- Agenda Item 11
Motion of the CDU/CSU and SPD parliamentary groups
Report of the federal government on the security authorities’ issues in the reallocation of the 450 Mhz frequency
40th Meeting of the Committee for Culture and Media on 15th January 2020
- Agenda Item 2
Discussion with the Director of the Bayrischer Rundfunk, Ulrich Wilhelm, on a European broadcasting platform
76th Meeting of the Committee for Law and Consumer Protection on 15th January 2020
- Agenda Item4
a) Draft law of members of parliament Stephan Brandner, Marcus Bühl, Joana Eleonora Cotar, further members of parliament and the AfD parliamentary group
Draft law to repeal the Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG)
b) Draft law of members of parliament Christian Lindner, Stephan Thomae, Dr. Marco Buschmann, further members of parliament and the FDP parliamentary group
Draft law on strengthening civil rights (Strengthening of Civil Rights Law–BüStärG)
c) Draft law of members of parliament Dr. Petra Sitte, Anke Domscheit-Berg, Simone Barrientos, further members of parliament and DIE LINKE (the Left) parliamentary group.
Draft law on partial repeal of the Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG)
d) Motion of members of parliament Renate Künast, Dr. Konstantin von Notz, Tabea Rößner, further members of parliament and the Alliance 90/THE GREENS parliamentary group
Further development of the Network Enforcement Act – Strengthen user rights, ensure freedom of opinion in social networks
56th Meeting of the Committee for Economic and Energy Affairs on 15th January 2020
- Agenda Item 6
Motion of members of parliament Dr. Ingrid Nestle, Dieter Janecek, Dr. Konstantin von Notz, further members of parliament and the Alliance 90/THE GREENS parliamentary group
Utilizing the opportunities offered by digitalization for energy system transformation – Designing the installation of smart meters in the interests of consumers
16th Meeting of the Subcommittee on Disarmament, Arms Control, and Non-Proliferation on 14th January 2020
- Agenda Item 2
Report of the federal government on the first meeting of the “Group of Governmental Experts on Advancing Responsible State Behaviour in Cyberspace in the Context of International Security”
17th Meeting of the Study Commission on Artificial Intelligence on 13th January 2020
- Agenda Item 1 – Public Hearing
AI and public data protection
Keynote talks from:
- Ulrich Kelber, the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
- Tim Wybitul, RA Latham & Watkins
- Eva Gardyan-Eisenlohr, Bayer AG
- Oliver Süme, eco – Association of the Internet Industry
16th Meeting of the Study Commission on Vocational Training in the Digital World of Work on 13th January 2020
- Agenda Item 4
Decision on the holding of a public hearing on the topic
“Optimization of learning site cooperation between companies, inter-company training facilities, and vocational colleges with regard to the challenges of digitalization”
on 23rd March 2020
The German Bundestag will convene again from 27th to 31st January 2020.