Bundestag Plenary:
71st Session of the German Bundestag on 13th December 2018 (German-language link)
Agenda Item 24: Transfers Through Simplified Procedures
e) Deliberation of the motion of the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN (the Greens) parliamentary group Effectively combat unauthorized telephone advertising and rogue business practices
Paper 19/3332
Agenda Item 14: Amendment to the Telecommunications Act (TKG)
First deliberation on the federal government’s draft fifth law for the amendment to the Telecommunications Act
Paper 19/6336
From the Committees:
16th Session of the Committee on Education, Research, and Technology Assessment on 12th December 2018
Agenda Item 2: Artificial Intelligence
a) Motion by members of parliament Mario Brandenburg (Südpfalz), Dr. h. c. Thomas Sattelberger, Katja Suding, additional members of parliament, and the FDP parliamentary group Apply a success-oriented focus to the federal government’s strategy for AI
BT- Paper 19/5629
b) Motion by members of parliament Anna Christmann, Dieter Janecek, Tabea Rößner, additional members of parliament, and BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group Artificial intelligence – Develop on the basis of European values and shape for the benefit of society and the environment
BT- Paper 19/5667
32nd Session of the Committee for the Interior and Home Affairs on 12th December 2018
Agenda Item 6:
Motion by members of parliament Dr. Konstantin von Notz, Tabea Rößner, Kerstin Andreae, additional members of parliament, and the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group Strengthen IT security, safeguard freedom, secure peace
BT- Paper 19/1328
Motion by the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group Resolution on conducting a public hearing
29th Session of the Committee for Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection 12th December 2018
Agenda Item 2:
Motion by members of parliament Jens Maier, Marc Bernhard, Stephan Brandner, additional members of parliament, and the AfD parliamentary group Exemption of antenna associations from the remuneration obligation of collecting societies for cable retransmission of television and radio signals
BT- Paper 19/5911
Agenda Item 4:
Resolution on conducting a public hearing on the following proposal: Draft law of the federal government Draft law for the implementation of EU Directive (EU) 2016/680 in the area of criminal proceedings as well as adaptation of data protection legal provisions to align with Regulation (EU) 2016/679
BT- Paper 19/4671
30th Session of the Committee for Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection on 12th December 2018
Sole Agenda Item: Public Hearing
Draft law of the federal government Draft law for the implementation of Directive (EU) 2016/943 on the protection of trade secrets against their unlawful acquisition, use, and disclosure
BT- Paper 19/4724
26th Session of the Committee for Economic Affairs and Energy on 12th December 2018
Agenda Item 3
Report of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy on the future of German-Iranian business relations in the context of the conduct of German commercial banks and ICT service providers
- The German Bundestag will convene again from 14th to 18th January 2019.
- You can expect to receive the next preview on 14th January 2019.
Bundesrat (German Federal Council)
973rd Session of the Bundesrat (German Federal Council) on 14th December 2018
This Friday, there is only one item of relevance to the Internet industry on the agenda of the 973rd session of the Bundesrat
Agenda Item 12: Act to establish the “Digital Infrastructure” special fund (Digital Infrastructure Fund Act – DIFG)
Law appeal
Primary Paper 608/18, BT-Paper 19/4720
- The Federal Council will convene for the first time in the New Year on 15th February.