German Bundestag Plenary:
154th Session of the German Bundestag on 25th March 2020
Agenda Item 1: Promotion of continuing vocational education and training
First deliberation on the draft law proposed by the federal government on:
The promotion of continuing vocational education and training in times of structural transformation and on the further development of the promotion of traineeships
155th Session of the German Bundestag on 26th March 2020
Agenda Item 7: Privacy protection for image recordings
First deliberation on the draft law proposed by the federal government on:
Amendment to the German Criminal Code – Improvement of privacy protection for image recordings
Agenda Item 1: Geology Data Act
Second and third deliberations on the draft law proposed by the federal government on:
The state’s geological survey and on the transmission, securing, and public availability of geological data and on the provision of geological data for the performance of public tasks (Geology Data Act – GeolDG)
Recommendation for a decision and report of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Energy (9thCommittee)
Agenda Item 17: 5G Technology
- Deliberation on the motion of the AfD parliamentary group
Preparation of a study on 5G technology and its impact
- Deliberation on the motion of the AfD parliamentary group
No relinquishing of national security and technological sovereignty, data protection, and freedom of expression in exchange for hopes of untroubled trade relations in the area of 5G technology
Agenda Item 26: Transfers Through Simplified Procedures
- Deliberation on the motion of the FDP parliamentary group
Literacy through artificial intelligence – an opportunity for all
156th Session of the German Bundestag on 27th March 2020
Agenda Item 20: Promotion of continuing vocational education and training
- a) Second and third deliberations on the draft law proposed by the CDU/CSU and SPD parliamentary groups on:
The promotion of continuing vocational education and training in times of structural transformation and on the further development of the promotion of traineeships
Second and third deliberations on the draft law proposed by the federal government on:
The promotion of continuing vocational education and training in times of structural transformation and on the further development of the promotion of traineeships
Recommendation for a decision and report of the Committee for Labor and Social Affairs (11th Committee)
Report of the Committee on Budgets (8th Committee) pursuant to § 96 of the Rules of Procedure
- b)Recommendation for a decision and report of the Committee for Labor and Social Affairs (11th Committee)
– on the motion of DIE LINKE parliamentary group
Strengthen unemployment insurance – improve unemployment benefits
– on the motion of DIE LINKE parliamentary group
Strengthen unemployment insurance – introduce unemployment benefit Plus
– on the motion of DIE LINKE parliamentary group
Making work future-oriented in the transformation period
– on the motion of DIE LINKE parliamentary group
Strengthen vocational further education and training – introduce further training allowances
– on the motion of BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group
Upgrade unemployment insurance to employment insurance
Agenda Item 25: Electronic waste
- a)Deliberation on the motion of the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group
Electric waste – Closing recycling systems
- b)Deliberation on the motion of the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group
Reducing electric waste – The right to repair
From the Committees:
88th Meeting of the Committee for Law and Consumer Protection on 25th March 2020
Agenda Item 10
Motion of the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group
Report of the federal government on the status of implementation and further implementation, and if necessary the need to expand the “Pact for the Constitutional State”
Info: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the committees will only meet selectively during the current week.
The German Bundestag will convene again from 20th to 24th April 2020.
You can expect to receive the next Bundestag preview on 20th April 2020.