ICANN56 Helsinki – 28 June 2016, 1:30-2:30 pm, Helsinki Hall
eco – Association of the Internet Industry is planning a global concerted initiative consisting of virtual and physical meetings to inform and educate about domain names, doing business online and broader internet governance topics.
The session on Tuesday at ICANN56 in Helsinki shall be an opportunity to help shape this initiative so that the ICANN community, amongst others, can best benefit from it. Join to learn more about this initiative and give us feedback to make this event a benefit for everyone. The outreach event will likely take place at the end of November 2016.
For questions and feedback, please contact Lars Steffen (lars.steffen@eco.de) or Thomas Rickert (rickert@eco.de). We thank ICANN to support this initiative providing the conference room and resources.
Note that this session is not shown on the official ICANN agenda.