
IT Security Architect Sonja Gresser on AI in IT Security

Sonja Gresser is an IT Security Architect at IBM Security with over 25 years of professional experience in various IT fields. As a security architect, she is responsible for planning and designing IT security architecture solutions, advising on best security practices and developing cybersecurity strategies. At this year’s Internet Security Days on 10 and 11 September, she will be giving the presentation on “Better Security in the Age of AI”.

How can artificial intelligence be used to detect and respond to threats and attacks in real- time?

Generative AI and foundation models can lead to productivity increases that scale and accelerate the response to security threats. These capabilities can not only empower analysts, but also significantly impact the accuracy of threat detection and response recommendations.

What challenges and risks arise from the use of artificial intelligence in IT security?

Generative AI innovations are not only being used for good causes, but attackers have already started utilising the new possibilities for their own purposes. By employing similar techniques, attackers use AI to steal data, spread misinformation, or disrupt systems on a larger scale.

This poses a challenge for the use of AI – also in IT security – and requires new detection and response approaches.

To what extent can artificial intelligence help with the automation and improvement of security protocols and processes?

For example, AI can assist analysts in understanding security log data faster by providing simple explanations of the actions that have occurred – thereby lowering technical barriers and speeding up investigations.

AI can accelerate threat hunting by automatically generating search queries for threat detection based on descriptions of attack behaviour and patterns in natural language, enabling a faster response to new threat campaigns.

Thank you very much for the interview, Ms Gresser!

All information about this year’s Internet Security Days can be found here.

IT Security Architect Sonja Gresser on AI in IT Security