Documentation for System Architects & Developers available
The Universal Acceptance Steering Group published this week version 8 of the Introduction to Universal Acceptance. The 40 page technical look at Universal Acceptance is ready now to spread the word about Universal Acceptance where, even now, not all valid Domain Names and Email Addresses are handled correctly.
This document aims to offer a comprehensive look at the issues around Universal Acceptance with some recommendations for good practice. Its target audience are the Systems Architects and Developers who have been tasked with getting their applications “UA Ready”.
Introduction to Universal Acceptance
Universal Acceptance Steering Group
Author: Universal Acceptance Steering Group
Published: May 2016
[Download EN]
Universal Acceptance Quick Guide
Universal Acceptance Steering Group
Author: Universal Acceptance Steering Group
Published: April 2016
[Download EN]
A German Translation will be published soon.
Many thanks to the authors, Mark Svancarek and Luisa Villa, and all others who have had a hand in it.
Please share the documents with your own development teams as they work to make your own systems UA Ready. For more information please visit: