
German Regulatory Standards Board to Examine Impact of Blanket Data Retention

eco will get another chance to express, at the very highest level, criticism of the re-introduction of Blanket Data Retention: The National Regulatory Standards Board (Normenkontrollrat – NKR) has convened an expert discussion on the economic impact of the planned regulation. At the end of July, representatives of industry and the associations have the opportunity to present to the committee what exactly the individual provisions and the security conditions will mean for the affected companies.

For eco, the Director of Infrastructure and Networks, Klaus Landefeld, will participate in the meeting. Parallel to this, the NKR has sent participants a questionnaire in which all economically-relevant points are raised. eco will also make use of this chance to take a position, and will again argue that certain  specifications in the government draft are poorly conceived and technically highly questionable.

In May, the NKR, in their own position statement, made unusually strong criticism of the German Federal Ministry for Justice and Consumer Protection: The draft, it said, did not conform to the requirements of the Joint Rules of Procedure of Federal Ministries for draft legislation to be submitted to the Federal Government. A depiction of the costs of fulfillment for industry was completely lacking, as were considerable portions of the costs for administration. “This lack is all the more serious, as the NKR, in its own survey, found indications of costs for the telecommunications industry to the tune of around 600 million Euros,” the NKR said in May – with reference to the calculations made by eco.