
Election/Digital 2025: Digital Policy in Focus

Germany is on the verge of a change of government. A new German Bundestag will be elected in 2025!


The eco Association is accompanying the election with content - both with papers and digital policy demands from the Internet industry and in direct exchange with digital policy makers.

In the German-langauge "Wahl/Digital 2025" (the Internet Policy Party Check), eco is putting the parties through their paces: What are they planning in terms of digital policy? What is their stance on a Ministry of Digitalisation? And how should the digitalisation of society and the economy be specifically shaped in the next four years?

We discuss these and other questions, and are focusing on the essentials. Because each speaker has only 1 minute per question round to present and convince others of their party’s core digital policy programme statements.

At eco, they must especially convince the companies of the Internet industry. In the Internet Policy Agenda of the eco Association, experts in digitalisation are calling for ten central demands for a Digital Germany 2030. In the assessment of the parties’ election programmes for the federal elections, the association has already examined the political plans in the field of digital policy. And the background paper on the Ministry of Digitalisation explains what such a ministry could look like. Central to all of this is a digital strategy with a clear vision for the year 2023.

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To support digital transformation in all economic and administration areas, politics must create the right conditions for digitalisation.

eco's Internet Policy Agenda summarises the ten central demands of the Internet industry for a Digital Germany 2030.

You can also listen to a German podcast: "eco Podcast zum Digitalministerium mit Ralph Brinkhaus, Katrin Suder & Alexander Rabe" 🎧

Election/Digital 2025: Digital Policy in Focus 2