ISDs 2021 – Security for an increasingly interconnected world
For the eleventh time, eco - Association of the Internet Industry and heise Events issued an invitation to the specialist conference. From 15 to 17 September 2021, this took place for the second time in a row as a purely online event via the talque platform.
IT security experts, security managers and user companies met to learn about current threats and new strategies and to exchange experiences as part of the extensive conference programme and virtual tradeshow profiles.
In a high-quality studio production with a wide variety of presentation formats, high-ranking opinion leaders and decision-makers shared their knowledge. In addition, participants got to benefit from tried-and-tested approaches to solutions and from the experiences of the trendsetters.

Focal Topics 2021

Keynote Speakers

Programme overview
Optional Workshop Day
11.00 - 13.00: IT Forensics Readiness Workshop - Covertly Tracking the Attacker
13.00 - 14.00: Cyber Risks in Transition - Securely Shaping New Working Worlds
15.00 - 17.00: Coherence Analysis of Security Messages within OT and IT Networks
9:00: Opening of Conference
Topic Block 1: "Well Equipped against Cyber Crime"
Topic Block 2: "Smart World – Secure World"
17:00: Close of Conference
9:15: Opening of Conference
Topic Block 1: "New Working Worlds - Safe and Sound!"
Topic Block 2: "Learn from Experience – Securely into the Future"
17:00: Close of Conference
Why you should be there!
We connect you with important players in the industry. Exchange your expertise in video calls or virtual roundtables.
We designed the schedule in such a way that you also have enough time for other tasks - without losing content.
We offer a variety of high-quality lecture formats with hands-on topics and high-level keynote presentations.
In no time at all, you will receive a condensed, first-hand overview of the most important topics in your industry.
Expand your network e.g. in our targeted business matching session or during the get-together.
By participating irrespective of location, you have the highest possible flexibility, no travel time and no travel costs.
Lucractive partnership – Become a 2021 sponsor!
As a partner, we offer you - also digitally - the opportunity to position your company in a high-quality environment and to enter into targeted dialogue with your customers of tomorrow.
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