Online Training: OSINT - Fighting DNS Abuse (DNS Abuse for LEAs)
eco's topDNS Initiative & ICANN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
invite you to the Online Training: OSINT - Fighting DNS Abuse (DNS Abuse for LEAs).
This course will discuss the best practices in handling DNS abuse and various tools to identify such abuses related to DNS. The course also covers how law enforcement authorities can engage with ICANN.
The target audience for this training are Law Enforcement personnel who are involved in handling abuses related to Internet Identifiers. Participants should be able to understand the various aspects of DNS related abuses and to use publicly available tools to identify those.
For this online session the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior apply.
Recommended prerequisite Virtual Workshop: DNS 101
topDNS is an initiative by eco - Association of the Internet Industry.
eco's topDNS Initiative and its members have set themselves the goal of fighting DNS abuse.
- 16:00 pm CET
Welcome & Housekeeping
Lars Steffen
Director International, eco – Association of the Internet Industry
- 16:05 pm CET
Online Training - OSINT: Fighting DNS Abuse (DNS Abuse for LEAs)
Carlos Alvarez
Director of Trust and Public Safety Engagement, ICANN
- 18:00 pm CET
- End of Training


eco – Association of the Internet Industry