ICANN77 Readout – Highlights & Take-Aways from the Policy Forum
eco – Association of the Internet Industry & ICANN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
invite you to a joint ICANN77 Readout to summarise and discuss selected topics from the Policy Forum in Washington, D.C..
Speakers from different constituencies of the ICANN community will provide an overview of the highlights and key take-aways of the hybrid ICANN77 meeting from their respective perspective. Participants will have the opportunity for discussion and to ask questions.
For this webinar session the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior apply.
The detailed agenda will be published shortly.
- 16:30 pm CEST
Welcome & Housekeeping
Christopher Mondini
Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement & Managing Director, Europe ICANN OrgThomas Rickert
Director Names & Numbers, eco – Association of the Internet Industry
- 16:40 pm CEST
Reports from the Constituencies
Jordan Carter
Vice Chair (Asia Pacific) of the ccNSO CouncilSebastien Ducos
Chair of the GNSO CouncilPhilippe Fouquart
Chair of the ISPCP (CSG)Joanna Kulesza
ALAC Vice Chair, At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) Leadership Team Member Poland, EURALORudy Nolde
GAC, Representative of Germany
- 18:00 pm CEST
- End of Meeting

Internet Governance and Policy Director, auDA

Senior Client Service Manager, GoDaddy Registry

Senior Expert - Naming, Numbering and Addressing, Orange

Executive Director, Lodz Cyber Hub

Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, Germany

Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement & Managing Director
Europe ICANN Org

Director Names & Numbers
eco – Association of the Internet Industry