Bundestag Plenary:
58th Session of the Bundestag on 18th October 2018 (German-language link)
Agenda Item 16: Future Startup Culture
Deliberation of the motion of the FDP parliamentary group Future Startup Culture – More Investment in Startups and Competitiveness for the Financial Center Frankfurt
Paper 19/…
Agenda Item 17: Amendment to the Telecommunications Act (TKG)
Second and third deliberation on the federal government’s draft fourth law for the amendment to the Telecommunications Act
Paper 19/4722
Agenda Item 19: Implementation of the Marrakesh Directive
Second and third deliberation on the federal government’s draft law for the Implementation of the Marrakesh Directive on Improved Access to Copyright-Protected Works for the Benefit of Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print-Disabled
Paper 19/3071, 19/3826, 19/4325 Nr. 1.12
From the Committees:
17th Session of the Digital Agenda Committee on 17th October 2018
Agenda Item 2:
Report of the federal government on the implementation of the provisions of the Network Enforcement Act (§ 2 NetzDG) and removal of content under the Network Enforcement Act
Invited as guests: Facebook Inc., Google GmbH, Twitter Inc.
Agenda Item 3:
Discussion with representatives of Facebook Inc. about the misuse of data of Facebook customers and other Internet users, and about the hacker attack on Facebook data that became public at the end of September 2018.
25th Session of the Committee for the Interior and Home Affairs on 17th October 2018
Agenda Item 13:
Motion of the FDP parliamentary group Briefing of the federal government about the extent and background of cyber attacks carried out with Russian support against German targets or targets in the European Union.
23rd Session of the Committee for Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection on 17th October 2018
Agenda Item 1:
Draft law of the federal government Draft law for the Implementation of the Marrakesh Directive on Improved Access to Copyright-Protected Works for the Benefit of Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print-Disabled
BT Paper 19/3071, 19/3826 The following has been distributed: 19(6)22 Draft of a regulation
Agenda Item 13:
Motion of the CDU/CSU and SPD parliamentary groups Report of the federal government on the status of the development of a proposal for the auditing and certification of the complaint management of social networks
24th Session of the Committee on Transport and Digital Infrastructure on 17th October 2018
Agenda Item 7:
Report of the Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure on the Broadband Subsidization Directive
Self-assessment 19(15)SB-036
20th Session of the Committee for Economic Affairs and Energy on 17th October 2018
Agenda Item 4:
Draft law of the federal government Draft fourth law for the amendment to the Telecommunications Act
BT Paper 19/4722
3rd Session of the Study Commission on “Artificial Intelligence” on 15th October 2018
Agenda Item 1
Initial presentations (explanation of terms) Prof. Hannah Bast, Dr. Aljoscha Burchardt, Prof. Sami Haddadin, Prof. Antonio Krüger, Prof. Katharina Zweig
Agenda Item 2
Group work for the first specification of the work contract
Agenda Item 3
Reports on the outcomes of the group work
Agenda Item 4
Presentation on the working report “Online citizen participation in the parliamentary work” of TAB (Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag)
- The German Bundestag will convene again from 5th to 9th November 2018.
- You can expect to receive the next preview on 5th November 2018.