Bundestag Plenary:
42nd Session of the Bundestag on 28th June 2018 (German-language link)
Agenda Item 5: Fact-finding Commission on “Artificial Intelligence”
- Deliberation on the motion of the CDU/CSU, SPD parliamentary groups,… Establishment of a fact-finding commission on “Artificial Intelligence – Societal Responsibility and Economic Potential” Paper 19/…
Agenda item 26: Transfers with the simplified procedure
- b) First deliberation on the draft law submitted by the Federal Government. Draft law on the implementation of Directive (EU) 2015/2436 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2015 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks (Trademark Modernization Act – MaMoG) Paper 19/2898
14th Session of the Digital Agenda Committee on 27th June 2018
Agenda Item 2:
- Motion by members of parliament Dr. Jens Brandenburg (Rhein-Neckar), Katja Suding, Nicola Beer, further members of parliament, and the FDP parliamentary group on upgrading vocational training – Getting an Excellence Initiative, digitalization, and flexible training structures off the ground. Bundestag Paper 19/1835
Agenda Item 3:
- Motion by members of parliament Birke Bull-Bischoff, Dr. Petra Sitte, Doris Achelwilm, further members of parliament, and DIE LINKE (the Left) parliamentary group on enabling young people to participate in good training programs and improving the quality of training. Bundestag Paper 19/1830
Agenda Item 4:
- Motion by members of parliament Beate Walter Rosenheimer, Kai Gehring, Dr. Anna Christmann, other members of parliament, and the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN (the Greens) parliamentary group. Educational equality creates future viability – guaranteeing training and further education, securing qualified specialists. Bundestag Paper 19/1795
10th Session of the Committee for Culture and Media on 27th June 2018
Agenda Item 1:
- a) Briefing by Deutsche Welle Draft Work Plan 2018 to 2021. Bundestag Paper 19/372
- b) Briefing by the Federal Government on Deutsche Welle’s Draft Work Plan 2018 to 2021 Paper 19/372 – Opinion of the Federal Government. Bundestag Paper 19/2698
- c) Briefing by Deutsche Welle Evaluation Report 2017. Bundestag Paper 19/373
18th Session of the Committee for Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection on 27th June 2018
Agenda Item 1:
- Resolution on the inclusion of the following bill in the public hearing – effectively agreed upon at the 6th session – on the Network Enforcement Act: Draft law of the members of parliament Stephan Brandner, Marcus Bühl, Joana Eleonora Cotar, further members of parliament and the AfD parliamentary group. Draft of a law to repeal the Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG). Bundestag Paper 19/81
14th Session of the Committee for Economic Affairs and Energy on 27th June 2018
Agenda Item 1:
- Report of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy on the topic of hacker attacks on the German electricity supply and what measures the Federal Government has taken and intends to take to ensure the security of electricity supply, especially in the light of increasing digitalization
The German Bundestag will convene again from 2nd to 5th July 2018.
You can expect to receive the next preview on 2nd July 2018.