News, Publications and Consultations from the Past Week
News CW 34 (19.08.2024-25.08.2024)
Data protection: The non-governmental organisation for digital rights Noyb filed two complaints with the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) on behalf of four employees of the European Parliament. The cause was a data breach in the recruitment application, “PEOPLE”, which allowed unauthorised individuals to gain access to sensitive data. Nyob believes that the breach highlights the Parliament’s non-compliance with the GDPR’s data minimisation and retention requirements. (Euractiv)
Selected Publications from the EP Think Tank:
There are currently no publications of relevance to the Internet industry.
Ongoing Relevant European Commission Consultations
- European Digital Identity Wallets – trust framework (until 09.09.2024)
- European Digital Identity Wallets – certification (until 09.09.2024)
- European Digital Identity Wallets – person identification data and electronic attestations of attributes (until 09.09.2024)
- European Digital Identity Wallets – protocols and interfaces to be supported (until 09.09.2024)
- European Digital Identity Wallets – integrity and core functionalities (until 09.09.2024)
- EU-US Data Privacy Framework: report of the Commission on how the framework is functioning (until 06.09.2024)
- Processing of personal data by online service providers – new templates for reporting (implementing act) (until 06.09.2024)
- Digital platform employment – technical specifications for data collection
(until 02.09.2024)
- Digital platform employment – new EU initiative (until 02.09.2024)
- Protection of minors – guidelines (until 30.09.2024)
Selections of the CW 35 (26.08.2024-01.09.2024)
The current preview of the Council’s work for the upcoming days until 15.09.2024 can be found here.
Summit and Ministerial Meetings:
- This week, there are no Council meetings of relevance to the Internet industry.
Preparatory Bodies:
- This week, no meetings of the international working parties will take place.
An overview of the various Council dates can be found here.
The agenda of the current Commission meeting was not available at our time of writing. You can potentially find it on the Commission’s website in the near future.
Plenary Sittings
There are no plenary sittings of the European Parliament taking place this week.
Here you can find a list of the upcoming dates of the European Parliament. The calendar of the plenary sittings for 2024 is available here (PDF).
LIBE Committee (Civil Liberties)
No meeting of the LIBE Committee is scheduled for this week.
JURI Committee (Legal Affairs)
No meeting of the JURI Committee is scheduled for this week.
No meeting of the ITRE Committee is scheduled for this week.
The current timetables of the ITRE Committee (as of 23.07.2024) can be found here.
IMCO Committee (Internal Market)
No meeting of the IMCO Committee is scheduled for this week.
CULT Committee (Culture and Education)
No meeting of the CULT Committee is scheduled for this week.
An overview of the following session weeks can be found here. The provisional agenda for the upcoming plenary sittings can be found here.
European Court of Justice
You can find the judicial calendar of the ECJ here.