Highlights from the Past Week
CW 35 On 1 September, the Council of the European Union published its “General Approach”, thereby providing the baseline for negotiations on the Cyber Resilience Act. Following on from the pre-summer adoption of the report in the ITRE Parliamentary Committee, the path is now clear for the trilogue negotiations.
The EU Commission has published a study on measuring systemic risk in accordance with the Digital Services Act (DSA). Even though the regulations of the DSA have been in effect since last week, numerous questions still remain. This study aims to examine some of these questions in more detail.
Relevant Publications, including from the EP Think Tank:
A Selection of the EU Commission’s Consultations
- Ecodesign – electronic displays (review of requirements) (until 09.2023)
- Waste from electrical and electronic equipment – evaluating the EU rules (until 09.2023)
Selections of the Current Week
CW 36
Here you can find a list of the upcoming dates of the European Parliament. The meeting calendar for 2023 is available here (PDF), while the calendar for 2024 is accessible here.
Preliminary committee meetings are taking place, given that parliamentary business will resume in the coming week.
An overview of the most important dates of the Council week can be found here and the meeting calendar can be accessed here.
Included among the Council dates are:
Summits and Ministerial Meetings:
- Informal Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture, 3-5 September, Programme
- Informal Ministerial Meeting on Development, 4-5 September 2023, Programme
- G20 Summit, 9-10 September 2023
Preparatory Bodies (Selection):
- Working Party on Telecommunications and Information Society, 4 September 2023 (Agenda)
- Cultural Affairs Committee, 4 September 2023 (Agenda)
- JHA Counsellors, 4 September 2023 (Agenda)
- Law Enforcement Working Party, 5 September 2023 (Agenda)
- Audiovisual and Media Working Party, 6 September 2023 (Agenda)
- Working Party on Consumer Protection and Information, 6 September 2023 (Agenda)
- Horizontal Working Party on Cyber Issues, 7 September 2023 (Agenda)
- Working Party on General Affairs, 8 September 2023 (Agenda)
- Working Party on Telecommunications and Information Society, 7 September 2023 (Agenda)
- JHA Counsellors, 8 September 2023
- Working Party on Technical Harmonisation, 8 September 2023 (Agenda)
- COREPER I, 6 September 2023 (Agenda)
- COREPER II, 6 September 2023 (Agenda)
Information about the weekly Commission meeting can be found on the website of the Commission in the preview or (at short notice) in the current agenda. The next meeting will take place on 6 September.
The following topics are on the agenda for the coming week:
- n/a
The judicial calendar of the ECJ can be found here. There are currently no dates scheduled which are of relevance to the Internet industry.
European Parliament Committees
CW 36 / Monday, 4 to Thursday, 7 September: Political Group and Committee Meetings Week (Brussels);
LIBE Committee (Civil Liberties)
Current Meetings
Excerpt from the Draft Agenda
- Extending the list of EU crimes to hate speech and hate crime (04.09.2023)
Further Meetings (Calendar)
- 09.2023
- 10.2023
JURI Committee (Legal Affairs)
Current Meetings
- 09.2023 (Agenda is not available)
Further Meetings (Calendar)
- 09.2023
- 09.2023
Dossiers Timetable (24 July 2023)
ITRE Committee (Industry)
Current Meetings
Excerpt from the Draft Agenda
Further Meetings (Calendar)
- 09.2023
- 09.2023
Dossiers Timetable (PDF) (29.08.2023)
IMCO Committee (Internal Market)
Current Meetings
- None
Further Meetings (Calendar)
- 09.2023
- 09.2023
Dossiers Timetable (July 2023)
CULT Committee (Culture)
Current Meetings
Excerpt from the Draft Agenda
- Establishing a common framework for media services in the internal market
(European Media Freedom Act) and amending Directive 2010/13/EU
Further Meetings (Calendar)
- 09.2023
- 09.2023 (09:00-12:30; 14:30-18:30)
Further Parliamentary Calendar Dates
- CW 37 / 11 to 14 September 2023: Political Group Meetings and Plenary Sessions Week (Strasbourg);
- CW 38 / 18 to 21 September 2023: Committee Meetings Week (Brussels);
- CW 39 / 25 to 28 September: Political Group Meetings (Brussels)