- eco Survey on World Environment Day on 5 June
- 6.1 per cent of Germans look for regional products and traders, 5.8 per cent optimise their electricity consumption
- Apps for tracking individuals’ CO2 footprint rarely used (0.5 per cent)
At 14.6 per cent, only a minority of Germans take advantage of the opportunity to live more environmentally consciously and protect the climate with the help of mobile phone apps. This is the result of a representative Civey survey commissioned by eco – Association of the Internet industry on the occasion of World Environment Day on Monday, 5 June. The most popular apps are those that make it easier to search for regional products and retailers (6.1 per cent). 5.8 per cent of Germans optimise their electricity consumption using their mobile phones and 4.1 per cent measure their heating energy with them. However, apps that make individuals’ CO2 footprint traceable (1 per cent) or compensate for it (0.5 per cent) are still not very widespread.
“Smart technologies are the key to more CO2 savings and greater sustainability,” says eco Managing Director Alexander Rabe. The potential of digital solutions in this respect is immense. “For example, by helping to identify energy consumption and savings potential, smart home apps have an enormous leverage effect on energy efficiency. In doing so, up to 20 per cent of energy and CO2 can be saved,” emphasises Rabe.
Smart Home Apps reduce CO2 consumption
With the corresponding apps, users can benefit from dynamic electricity tariffs by purchasing electricity at cheaper times with a high share of renewable energy production. Despite the advantage, many households still seem to have reservations about using digital technologies to live more sustainably. This may be due to low awareness, concerns about data protection, IT security or high purchase costs.
The United Nations (UN) and Germany have been celebrating World Environment Day since the 1970s. In 2023, the motto in Germany is “Strengthen nature – protect the environment”. This day highlights the commitment to ecological concerns with various events, campaigns and measures. Around 150 countries worldwide are participating in this year’s World Environment Day.
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* The opinion research institute Civey surveyed 2,508 people in Germany over the age of 18 between 22.05.-23.05.2023 on behalf of eco. The statistical error of the overall results is 3.4 per cent.