German Bundestag Plenary:
126th Session of the German Bundestag on 13th November 2019
Agenda Item 2: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Act
First consultation on the draft law proposed by the federal government on national certificate trading for greenhouse gas emissions (Gas Emissions Trading Act – TEHG)
127th Session of the German Bundestag on 14th November 2019
Agenda Item 12: Internet Governance
- Deliberation of the motion of the CDU/CSU and SPD parliamentary groups. “One World. One Net. One Vision”. Internet Governance Forum for an open and free global Internet.
- Deliberation of the motion of the FDP parliamentary group. Looking at Internet Governance in the Long Term –Strengthening International Cooperation
Agenda Item 27: Modernization of Criminal Proceedings
- Deliberation on the recommendation for a decision and the report of the Committee for Law and Consumer Protection (6thCommittee) – on the motion of the FDP parliamentary group. Making criminal proceedings more effective, faster, more modern and more practical – on the motion of the Alliance 90/The Greens parliamentary group to modernize the criminal procedure by digitally documenting the main proceedings
Agenda Item 32: Digitalization in the agricultural sector
- Deliberation on the recommendation for a decision and the report of the Committee on Food and Agriculture (10th Committee) on the motion by the CDU/CSU and SPD parliamentary groups to exploit the opportunities offered by digitalization – Open access and standardized data formats for sustainable agriculture 4.0
From the Committees:
34th Meeting of the Committee for Construction, Housing, Urban Development, and Municipalities on 13th November 2019
Agenda Item 1:
- Report of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Home Affairs on the first funding round of “Smart Cities Model Projects”. On the motion of the CDU/CSU and SPD parliamentary groups, 28th October 2019
- Motion by members of parliament Frank Sitta, Grigorios Aggelidis, Renata Alt, further members of parliament and the FDP parliamentary group. Smart Cities – With data flow to thriving cities
36th Session of the Committee on Education, Research, and Technology Assessment on 13th November 2019
Agenda Item 2
- Motion by members of parliament Katja Suding, Grigorios Aggelidis, Renata Alt, further members of parliament and the FDP parliamentary group. Smart Germany – Promoting learning analytics and artificial intelligence at school, protecting learning data
Agenda Item 3:
- Motion by members of parliament Mario Brandenburg, Katja Suding, Grigorios Aggelidis, further members of parliament and the FDP parliamentary group. Smart Germany – Strengthen Germany digitally, initiate online course “Artificial Intelligence”
43rd Session of the Digital Agenda Committee on 13th November 2019
Agenda Item 2:
- Report of the federal government on the work of the Digital Cabinet. Guest of the committee: Federal Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (Ministry for Defence)
Agenda Item 3:
- Report by Dorothee Bär, Minister of State for Digitalization in the Federal Chancellery, on the federal budget from a digital policy perspective
71st Session of the Committee for Law and Consumer Protection on 13th November 2019
Agenda Item 2:
- Draft law of members of parliament Stephan Brandner, Marcus Bühl, Joana Eleonora Cotar, further members of parliament and the AfD parliamenatary group. Draft law to repeal the Network Enforcement Act
- Draft law of members of parliament Dr. Petra Sitte, Anke Domscheit-Berg, Simone Barrientos, further members of parliament and DIE LINKE (the Left) parliamentary group. Draft law for partial repeal of the Network Enforcement Act
- Motion of members of parliament Renate Künast, Dr. Konstantin von Notz, Tabea Rößner, further members of parliament and the Alliance 90/THE GREENS parliamentary group. Further development of the Network Enforcement Act – Strengthen user rights, ensure freedom of opinion in social networks
Agenda Item 3
- Motion of members of parliament Joana Cotar, Uwe Schulz, Dr. Michael Espendiller, further members of parliament and the AfD parliamentary group. Freedom on the Internet – Strengthening civil rights
Agenda Item 4
- Motion of members of parliament Jens Maier, Marc Bernhard, Stephan Brandner, further members of parliament and the AfD parliamentary group. Exemption of antenna communities from the obligation to pay collecting societies for cable retransmission of television and radio signals
56th Session of the Committee for Transport and Digital Infrastructure on 13th November 2019
Agenda Item 10
- Discussion with representatives of the Federal Network Agency on the subject of “ISDN disconnection and telecommunications basic service in rural regions of Germany”.
The German Bundestag will convene again from 25th to 29th November 2019.