Worldwide, Artificial intelligence (AI) is the leading topic of the future. Those responsible in politics and administration must consistently address AI in order to successfully shape digital transformation, according to eco – Association of the Internet Industry. Today, the Bundestag took up one of the central debates of our time with the Study Commission “Artificial Intelligence – Social Responsibility and Economic, Social and Ecological Potentials”, in which eco board member Prof. Dr. Norbert Pohlmann has participated as an expert.
The German economy needs political support in order to gain an edge in the important technology field and to expand its technological competence in the field of artificial intelligence: “We are at the forefront of pure research, but politicians must now create the right framework conditions so that German and European AI technologies can also turn the corner. We in Germany and Europe must not only discuss AI, but in the end we must also implement it safely, successfully, and in a trustworthy manner. Above all, support for small and medium-sized enterprises is indispensable so that they can use AI optimally, qualitatively, and confidently in order to guarantee future success,” says eco board member Prof. Norbert Pohlmann.
According to the security expert Prof. Pohlmann, security aspects will above all be decisive for whether artificial intelligence has a positive impact on societal development. “Although the social benefit of self-learning systems is evident, broad social acceptance depends crucially on system security, which determines whether AI technology is controllable and thus trustworthy,” is the analysis of Pohlmann. “This security is possible if it is taken into account in all AI concepts right from the start. But the issue of self-determination in the AI areas of technology, infrastructure, and data should also be discussed thoroughly, in order to become successful more independently. Data sovereignty is a decisive factor in the use of AI-driven technologies,” says Prof. Pohlmann.
However, applications based on AI are extremely fascinating, not only because they can make life much easier. They are also becoming potential economic drivers. According to McKinsey, an additional global added value of 13 trillion US dollars is expected from AI by 2030 alone. “AI is a key technology for future economic growth in all industries and sectors. However, we will only reach a world-leading position if we are active in research, development, and the use of AI applications, and do this with insistence and speed,” concludes Pohlmann.
In order to accompany the various discussions and to place them in the context of current technological developments, eco – Association of the Internet Industry has formulated Guidelines for the Handling of Artificial Intelligence.