
eco Survey: High Scepticism Towards the Use of AI in German Schools

  • 60.8% of Germans rate the use of AI to support pupils as negative
  • Artificial intelligence is making its way into German schools: 12 federal states offer AI solutions after the holidays    
  • eco’s Managing Director Alexander Rabe: “Schools must teach how to handle and develop competencies with new technologies”

When Saxony’s pupils return to the classroom this week, their teachers will have access to the AI assistant “KAI”. This will also be the case in Brandenburg, Berlin and Schleswig-Holstein. This increases the number of federal states using generative AI applications from six to ten. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony-Anhalt and Rhineland-Palatinate already have state-wide licences for generative AI, while Baden-Württemberg, Lower Saxony and Bavaria have launched their initial pilot projects.

A recent representative survey by eco – Association of the Internet Industry, with around 2,500 citizens surveyed by the market and opinion research institute Civey, shows that the German population is still very sceptical about the use of artificial intelligence in schools: only 18.3 per cent of Germans view the use of AI as positive to support students with homework and learning activities, while 60.8 per cent view it as negative.

eco’s Managing Director Alexander Rabe explains why intelligent learning systems could help improve the quality of education in Germany:

“New technologies always bring challenges and questions. However, a future without AI is no longer conceivable and it is therefore essential that our children now develop comprehensive IT and media skills. They need to be introduced to AI technologies in a targeted and meaningful way, supported by teachers who are trained and confident in delivering this. AI is then a valuable tool for enhancing the quality of education and ensuring the viability of our society.”

Information about the survey:

Survey period: 15.07. to 16.07.2024

Surveyed population (sample size):

Total German population aged 18 and over (2,505)

 eco survey: great scepticism towards the use of AI in German schools

Download the German-language Press release

eco Survey: Great Scepticism Towards the Use of AI in German Schools 1