
eco on the AI Act Vote in the EU Parliament: Uniform Application of AI Regulation Indispensable for a European Level Playing Field

Today, the European Parliament is holding the final vote on the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), which proposes groundbreaking regulations for the use of artificial intelligence in the EU. In this context, eco Chair Oliver Süme emphasises the need for a uniform interpretation and application of the new legal framework, as well as the importance of the codes of practice it provides. This is essential in order to foster innovation while simultaneously providing legal certainty for companies.

“For a genuine level playing field in Europe, what is needed are uniform obligations, requirements and standards. Specialised national approaches would inevitably lead to a patchwork of regulations and legal uncertainty for companies, stifling innovation,” Süme explains.

Süme emphasises just how important it is for all stakeholders involved to engage in a close exchange. In this regard, what is particularly crucial is the rapid establishment of the new EU institutions for artificial intelligence, above all the AI Board and the AI Office. The application and interpretation of the AI Act must be uniform and flexible enough to accommodate new use cases in light of the considerable innovation dynamics of artificial intelligence.

What is vital for companies is an improvement of the urgently needed legal certainty for future-oriented AI technology. The success of the AI Act therefore depends above all on the precise interpretation and application of the provisions at both the European and national levels. Süme concludes by highlighting the following: “The swift establishment of the AI Office and the planned promotion and facilitation of codes of practice must now take priority in order to implement the AI Act in a practical manner and avoid obstacles to innovation. It is not only important to have clear criteria for risk assessments, but also to carefully weigh up the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence. The AI Act can only be considered a groundbreaking success if AI continues to be successfully developed in Germany and Europe and succeeds in global competition.”

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