Experts from the eco Complaints Office, the Cologne police and the State Prevention Unit against Violence and Cyber Violence for Schools in North Rhine-Westphalia (LPS) invite you to a webinar on Tuesday, 11 February 2025, at 2:00 p.m. Topic: “What to do when children and young people send nude images?”
The right approach to both affected individuals and perpetrators is crucial when nude images are unintentionally distributed. “Nude images of children and young people – whether self-produced or AI-generated – can spread quickly beyond class and school boundaries. It is essential that teachers and school social workers have legal expertise on how to handle with this still large taboo topic, and know where to find external support and how they can work preventively in schools,” says Koch-Skiba, the Head of the eco Complaints Office.
The eco Complaints Office cordially invites teachers, school social workers and anyone interested to the first of two webinars organised as part of Safer Internet Month. More information and the link to the German register can be found here.
eco Complaints Office successfully combats illegal Internet content
For almost 30 years, the eco Complaints Office has been successfully combatting illegal content on the Internet. Every report counts in the fight against illegal content! If you come across content online that you believe is e illegal, don’t hesitate: Report it to the eco Complaints Office.
All important information about the eco Complaints Office and the complaint form are available at