
eco Association: “Amendment of the German GWB Act will harm Germany as a digital location”

With the amendment of the German Act against Restraints of Competition (GWB), the federal government is seeking to make German competition law fit for the digital age. in the planned GWB amendment, however, eco – Association of the Internet Industry still sees clear grounds for criticism. In the past, the association had already called for a harmonised EU approach rather than national solo efforts. In its third round, the GWB amendment is expected to be passed by the Bundestag next Thursday.

Commenting on this, eco Managing Director Alexander Rabe says:

“Competition rules for the digital market are important for the future viability of Germany and Europe as a digital location – which is why we advocate a common European approach. However, the planned GWB amendment creates more legal uncertainty for large and small digital companies in Germany and will thus harm the digital location more than it will help it.”

Alexander Rabe

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