- Germans expect more flexibility in their work thanks to integrated phone and data lines via the Internet
- All-IP solutions from the cloud increase companies’ international competitiveness
The digitalization of the working world makes it easier to balance work and family life – this is the opinion of around half of the people in Germany (48.3 percent), according to a representative study by the market research institute Civey, undertaken on behalf of eco – Association of the Internet Industry. Just around 22.5 percent of those surveyed take the opposite view, believing that digitalization would make the balancing of family and working life more difficult. 22.2 percent are not expecting any change.
The greatest benefits which study participants identified as accruing to the digital workplace were those of flexibility when it comes to location (26.8 percent), flexible scheduling (19.5 percent), and self-directed working (16.0 percent). “Flexibility is an important component of New Work concepts, and this embraces the possibility of home office, as well as flexible working times,” says Lucia Falkenberg, CPO (Chief People Officer) and Leader of the Competence Group New Work at the eco Association. “With All-IP solutions, which unify the voice and data networks, we have our workplace with us everywhere where we are online,” explains Detlev Artelt, Leader of the Competence Group Business Communication at Eurocloud Deutschland_eco.
Communications system from the cloud taking over from ISDN
Indeed, day-to-day business communications are being increasingly determined by the Internet. “Collaboration in a digital society occurs more and more via desktop sharing and video conferencing. The documents can be viewed and worked upon jointly. That makes collaboration more effective and saves time – and that is important in international competition,” Artelt continues.
“Here, the cloud and the solutions in the cloud represent an important connection,” says Artelt. Software solutions have taken over from the communications equipment of former times, and these can be used on different devices and in different locations. VoIP (Voice over IP) offers many more possibilities than the older ISDN equipment. But here, it’s not only about the voice channel, but also about email, chat, and video calling. All these channels are naturally transmitted via the same data network and, just as naturally, are brought together in a unified surface.
Unified infrastructure for all channels
The basis for this technological development is All-IP. Because Real-Time Unified Communication only becomes possible with All-IP: All channels come together in one infrastructure and can complement each other and enhance the communication.